Programs for drawing arts on a computer


Icon for a program for drawing arts

The modern world changes everything, and anyone can become anyone, even by the artist. In order to draw, it is not necessary to work in some special place, it is enough to have a program for drawing art on a computer. This article shows the most famous of these programs.

Any graphic editor can be called a program for drawing arts, although not each of these editor is able to please your desires. It is for this reason that this list will have a variety of programs with different functionality. The most important thing is that each of the programs can become both a separate tool in your hands and enter your set that you can use differently.

Tux Paint

Main window Tux Paint for art drawing program

This graphic editor is not intended for drawing art. More precisely, it was not designed for this. When it was created, the programmers were inspired by the children, and the fact that it was in childhood that we become those who are now. This children's program has musical accompaniment, many tools, but not very well suited for drawing quality arts.


Main ArtWeaver window for art drawing program

This program for creating arts is very similar to Adobe Photoshop. It has everything in Photoshop - layers, corrections, the same tools. But not all tools are available in the free version, and this is an important minus.


Main Artrage window for art drawing program

ARTRAGE is the most unique program in this collection. The fact is that the program has a set of tools, which is excellent for drawing not only with a pencil, but also with paints, both oil and watercolor. Moreover, the image drawn by these tools is very similar to the present. Also in the program there are layers, stickers, stencils and even trap. The main advantage is that each tool can be configured and saved as a separate pattern, thereby expanding the capabilities of the program. Main Window for Arts Drawing Program

If Artweaver was similar to photoshop, then this program is more like a standard Paint with photoshop capabilities. It has tools from Paint, layers, correction, effects, and even getting an image from a camera or scanner. Plus to all this, it is completely free. The only negative is that sometimes it works much slower with bulk images.


The main inkscape window for the art drawing program

This program for drawing arts is a rather powerful tool in the hands of an experienced user. It has a very wide functionality and a lot of opportunities. From the capabilities most distinguishes the conversion of the bitmap in the vector. There are also tools to work with layers, text and contours.


Main GIMP window for art drawing program

This graphic editor is another copy of Adobe Photoshop, but there are several differences in it. True, these differences are rather superficial. There is also working with layers, correction of the image and filters, but there is also a transformation of the image, and access to it is fairly easy.

Paint Tool Sai.

Main window Paint Tool Sai for art drawing program

A huge number of diverse tool settings allow you to create a practically new tool, which is a plus program. Plus, you can configure directly panel with tools. But, unfortunately, all this is available only one day, and then you have to pay.

Nowadays, it is not necessary to draw in our modern time to create an art, it is enough to simply possess one of the programs presented in this list. They have all one common goal, but almost every one comes to this goal in different ways, however, with the help of these programs you can create a truly beautiful and unique ART. And what software to create arts do you use?

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