Where is Avast quarantine


quarantine Avast

Often, when activity is detected, similar to a virus, antivirus sending suspicious files in quarantine. But not every user knows where this place is located and what it represents.

Quarantine - a certain protected directory on your hard drive where the antivirus carries the virus and suspicious files, and there they are stored in encrypted form, not representing threat to the system. If the file was moved to Quarantine Antivirus wrongly labeled as suspicious, it is possible to restore it in the same place. Let's find out where the quarantine antivirus Avast.

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Quarantine location in the Windows file system

The physical form of antivirus Avast quarantine is located at «C: \ Users \ All Users \ AVAST Software \ Avast \ chest \». But this sense a little knowledge, as stated above, the files there are in encrypted form, and just remove them will not work. they are represented as shown below in popular file manager Total Commander.

Quarantine Avast in Total Commander interface

Quarantine interface antivirus Avast

For acquisition opportunities to take some action with files in quarantine, you need to enter it through the user interface Avast Antivirus.

To through the user interface Avast get into quarantine, go to the section of the scan from the start of the program window.

The transition section scanning antivirus Avast

Then click on the item "Scanning for viruses".

The transition section scanning antivirus Avast

In the bottom of the window that opens, we find the inscription "Quarantine". We pass through it.

Moving to quarantine Avast antivirus

Before us the Avast antivirus quarantine.

Quarantine Avast antivirus

With files that are located in it, we can produce a variety of actions: to restore them to the same place, to permanently remove from your computer, transfer the Avast lab, add an exception for viruses scanner, scan them again, to add other files manually to the quarantine.

Possible actions with files placed in quarantine Avast

As you can see, knowing the path to the quarantine through the interface Avast Antivirus, get into it pretty simple. But those people who do not know its location, it is necessary to spend a lot of time to find their way on their own.

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