Ultraiso: Unknown image format


Icon for the article Correction of an unknown image format

One of the most common mistakes in Ultraiso is an unknown image format. This error occurs more often and stumble upon it very simple, however, few people know how to solve it and what is her cause. In this article we will deal with this.

Ultraiso is a program to work with disk images, and this error is directly related to them, what does its name says. It may occur for several reasons and the following will be described solutions to all possible reasons.

Ultraiso error correction: unknown image format

Error for the article Correction of an unknown image format

The first reason

This reason is that you simply open the wrong file, or open the file is not the format in the program. Supported formats can be seen when the file is opened in the program itself if you click on the "Image Files" button.

Supported formats for the article Correction of an unknown image format

Fix this problem is very simple:

First, it is worth checking whether you open the file. It often happens that you can simply confuse files or even directory. Make sure that the file format you open is supported in Ultraiso.

Secondly, you can open the archive that is perceived as an image. Therefore, just try to open it through WinRar.

The second reason

It often happens that when trying to create an image, the program made a failure and it was not done to the end. It is difficult to notice if you do not notice right away, but then it can pour out this error. If the first reason disappeared, then the case is in the bit of the image, and the only way to fix it is to create or find a new image, otherwise in no way.

At the moment, these two ways are the only to correct this error. And most often occurs this error in the first reason.

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