Useful plugins for NOTEPAD ++


Plugins in the NotePad ++ program

The NotePad ++ program is considered a very advanced text editor that is able to help professional programmers and webmasters perform their work. But, even the functionality of this application can be largely expanded to significantly, connecting comfortable plugins. Let's learn more in more detail how to work with plugins in the NotePad ++ program, and what the most useful their options exist for this application.

Connect plugins

To begin with, find out how to connect the plugin to the NotePad ++ program. For these purposes, go to the section of the upper horizontal menu "Plugins". In the list that opens, alternately make the transition to the names of Plugin Manager (plugin manager) and Show Plugin Manager.

Switch to the plug-in manager in the NotePad ++ program

We have a window throughout which we can add any of the plug-ins in the program. To do this, it is enough to select the desired items, and click on the Install button.

Go to the installation of selected plug-ins in the NotePad ++ program

Installing plug-ins can be started.

The process of installing plugins in the NotePad ++ program

After the installation is completed, the NotePad ++ program will ask you to restart it.

Message about the need to reload the program to install plugins in the NotePad ++ program

Restarting the application, the user will access the functions of installed plugins.

More plugins can be found on the official website of the program. To do this, through the top horizontal menu, indicated by the sign "?" Go to the section "Plugins ...".

Choosing a larger number of plugins in the NotePad ++ program

After this action, the default browser window opens, and redirects us to the page of the NotePad ++ official website, where a huge number of plug-ins is placed.

Go to the site with plugins for the NotePad ++ program

Work with installed plugins

The list of installed add-ons can be seen all in the same plug-ins manage, only in the Installed tab. Immediately by selecting the required plugins, you can reinstall or delete them by pressing the "REINSTALL" and "REMOVE", respectively.

List of installed plugins in the NotePad ++ program

In order to go to the direct functions and settings of a specific plug-in, you need to enter the "plug-in" item of the upper horizontal menu, and select the item you want. In future actions, follow the context of the menu of the selected plug-in, since the additions of each other will differ significantly.

Menu plugins in the NotePad ++ program

The best plugins

And now we will discuss in more detail at work of specific plug-ins, which are currently popular themselves.


The AUTO SAVE plugin provides the ability to auto storage document, which is very important when the power supply and other failures are turned off. In the settings of the plug-in, it is possible to specify the time through which auto storage will be made.

Setting the time of saving a file in the Auto Save plugin in the NotePad ++ program

Also, if you wish, you can put a limit on too small files. That is, while the file size does not reach the number of kilobytes specified by you, it will not be automatically saved.

Specifying the mini-sized file in the Auto Save plugin in the NotePad ++ program

Activex Plugin.

The ActiveX Plugin plugin helps connect the ActiveX framework to the NotePad ++ program. There is a possibility of connecting up to five scripts at the same time.

Plugin ActiveX Plugin in the NotePad ++ program

Mime Tools.

The MIME Tools plugin does not need to install specifically, as it is pre-installed in the NotePad ++ program itself. The main function of this small built-in utility is coding and decoding data BASE64 algorithm.

MIME Tools plugin in NotePad ++

Bookmark Manager.

Bookmark Manager plugin allows you to add bookmarks to a document so that after re-opening it can be returned to work in the same place where you have previously stopped.

Plugin Bookmark Manager in the NotePad ++ program


Another rather interesting plugin is converter. It allows you to convert text with ASCII encoding to HEX encoding, and in the opposite direction. In order to make a conversion, it is enough to highlight the appropriate section of the text, and click on the plug-in menu item.

Plugin Converter in NotePad ++


The NPPExport plugin provides correct exports of documents open in the NotePad ++ program to RTF and HTML formats. At the same time, a new file is formed.

NPPEXPORT plugin in NotePad ++


DSPellCheck plugin is one of the most popular additions in the world for NotePad ++. His task is to check the spelling of the text. But, the main lack of a plug-in for domestic users is that it can check spelling only in English-speaking texts. To check the Russian-language texts, an additional installation of the Aspell library is required.

DSPellCheck plugin in the NotePad ++ program

We listed the most popular out of plugins to work with the NotePad ++ program, and briefly described their capabilities. But, the total number of plugins for this application is multiple times more than it is presented here.

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