How to register in the style


How to register in the style

To use Steam requires account registration. It is necessary that you can split libraries of games of different users, their data, etc. Steam is a kind of social network for players, so here also, like VKontakte or Facebook, each person needs his profile.

Read further to find out - how to create an account in the style.

First you need to download the application itself from the official site.

Download steam

Run the downloaded installation file.

Steam Installation on Computer

Follow the simple instruction located in the installation file to set the steam.

Steam Installation on Computer

You will need to agree with the license agreement, select the program installation site and language. The installation process should not take a long time.

After you set Steam, run it through the desktop shortcut or in the Start menu.

Registration Steam Account

The login form is as follows.

SHEAM entrance form

To register a new account, you need an email address (email). Click the New Account button.

Confirm the creation of a new account. Read the creation of a new account located in the following form.

Confirmation screen for creating a new account

After that, you need to confirm what you agree with the rules of using Steam.

Now you need to come up with a login and password. Password need to come up with sufficient security, i.e. Use numbers and letters of different registers. Steam shows the password security level when entering it, so you cannot enter a password with too weak protection.

Form for entering a login and password of a new account

Login must be unique. If the login you entered already have in the STEAM database, then you will need to change it by returning to the previous form. You can also choose one of those logins that Steam will offer you.

Login is already in Steam

Now it remains only to enter your e-mail. Enter only a valid e-mail, as a letter will be sent to it with an account information and in the future you can restore access to your Steam account that is registered at this stage of E-mail.

Email entry form for steam registration

Creating an account is almost completed. The next screen will take all information to access the account. It is advisable to print it not to forget.

Completing the Stam Account Creation

After that, read the last message about the use of Steam and click Finish.

The latest account creation screen in Steam

After that, the entrance to your Steam account will be performed.

Performed entrance to Steam

You will be prompted to confirm your mailbox in the form of a green tab. Click E-mail confirmation.

Read the short instruction and click Next.

Beginning of confirmation email

A confirmation letter will be sent to your email.

Confirmation of the letter sent to confirm Email for Steam

Now you need to open your mailbox and find a sent letter there from Steam.

Letter to confirm an email address for Steam

Click the link in the letter to confirm your mailbox.

The postal address is confirmed. On this registration of the new Steam account completed. You can purchase games, add friends and enjoy the gameplay with them.

Postal address for Steam confirmed

If you have any questions about the registration of a new account in Steam, then write in the comments.

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