Interremmer interval in Openofis


OpenOffice Writer.

The base interval (interligating) in a specific area of ​​the electronic document sets the distance between the vertical text strings. Competent use of this parameter allows you to increase readability and facilitate the perception of the document.

Let's try to figure out how to configure the line interval in the text in the free text editor OpenOffice Writer.

Setting up an interval interval in OpenOffice Writer

  • Open the document in which you want to configure the line interval
  • Using a mouse or keyboard highlight the text area where you need to configure
  • It is worth noting that if the entire document has the same arreary interval, it is quite convenient to use the hot keys (Ctrl + A).

  • In the main menu of the program, click Format , and then select from the list item Paragraph

OpenOffice. Line spacing

  • Choose an aircraft interval from the list of templates or in the field The size Specify the exact settings in centimeters (becomes available after the template is selected. For sure)
  • Similar steps can be performed by clicking on the icon. INTERLINYAZH which is on the right on the panel Properties

OpenOffice Writer. INTERLINYAZH

As a result of such actions in OpenOffice Writer, you can configure the line interval.

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