How to add a visual bookmark in chrome


How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

Organizing bookmarks in the browser - a procedure that will increase your productivity. Visual bookmarks are one of the most popular ways to place web pages so that at any time you quickly go to them.

Today we will consider in more detail how new visual bookmarks are made for three popular solutions: standard visual bookmarks, visual bookmarks from Yandex and Speed ​​Dial.

How to add a visual bookmark in Google Chrome?

In standard visual bookmarks

By default, the Google Chrome browser has some similarity of visual bookmarks with very limited functionality.

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

In standard visual bookmarks, frequently visited pages are displayed, but to create their own visual bookmarks here, unfortunately, will not work.

The only way to set up visual bookmarks in this case is the removal of unnecessary. To do this, hover the mouse cursor to the visual bookmark and click on the displayed icon with the cross. After that, the visual bookmark will be removed, and its place will take another frequently visited web resource.

In visual bookmarks from Yandex

Yandex Visual bookmarks are an excellent easy way to place all the web pages you need in the most prominent place.

In order to create a new bookmark in the Solution from Yandex, click in the lower right corner of the visual bookmarks window "Add Bookmark".

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

A window will be displayed on the screen in which you need to enter the URL of the page (site address), after which the changes will be required to press the ENTER key. After that, the tab you created will appear in the overall list.

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

Please note that if there is an excess site in the list of visual bookmarks, it can be reassigned. To do this, hover the mouse over the tile layout, after which a small additional menu appears on the screen. Choose a gear icon.

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

A familiar window for adding a visual bookmark is displayed on the screen, in which you need to change the current address of the site and set a new one.

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

Download Visual Bookmarks from Yandex for Google Chrome

In Speed ​​Dial.

Speed ​​Dial is excellent functional visual bookmarks for Google Chrome. This extension has a widest set of settings, allowing you to configure each element in detail.

Deciding to add a new visual bookmark in Speed ​​Dial, click on the tile with a plus card to assign a page for an empty bookmark.

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

In the window that opens, you will be asked to specify the page address, as well as, if necessary, set the bookmark miniature.

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

Also, if necessary, the existing visual laying can be reassigned. To do this, click on the Right-click and in the menu displayed. Click on the button. "Change".

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

In the window that opens in the graph "URL" Specify the new address of the visual bookmark.

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

If all bookmarks are busy, and you need to set a new one, then you will need to increase the number of displayed bookmarks or create a new group bookmarks. To do this, click in the upper right corner of the window on the gear icon to go to the Speed ​​Dial settings.

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

In the window that opens, click the tab "Settings" . Here you can change the number of displayed tiles (dilutions) in one group (by default it is 20 pieces).

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

In addition, here you can create separate bookmark groups for more convenient and productive use, for example, "work", "Study", "Entertainment", etc. In order to create a new group, click on the button "Management of Groups".

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

Click on the button "Add a group".

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

Enter the name of the group, and then click the button "Add a group".

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

Now, returning back to the Speed ​​Dial window, in the upper left corner you will see the appearance of a new tab (group) with a previously defined name. By clicking on it, you will fall on a completely clean page, in which you can again begin to fill the bookmarks.

How to add a visual bookmark in chrome

Download Speed ​​Dial for Google Chrome

So today we reviewed the basic ways to create visual bookmarks. We hope this article was useful for you.

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