Why not in steam


Why not get into the strim

Even despite the fact that Steam has existed for more than 10 years, users of this game site still have problems with it. One of the frequent problems are difficulties with the entrance to your account. This problem may arise for a variety of reasons. Read more to find out what to do with the problem "I can not go to Steam".

To answer the question "What to do, if not entering steam" you need to find out the reason for the occurrence of this problem. As mentioned earlier, these reasons may be several.

No Internet connection

Obviously, if you do not work the Internet, you will not be able to enter your account. This problem is detected on the login form to your account after login and password entered. To make sure that the problem with the entrance to Steam is associated with the non-working Internet, look at the bottom right angle of the desktop on the Internet connection icon. If this icon has any additional designations, such as a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark, then this means that you have problems with the Internet.

Connection to the Internet for Steam

In this case, you can try the following: pull out and paste the wire, which is connected to the network. If it does not help, restart the computer. If even then you do not have Internet connections, call the support of your provider, which provides you with Internet services. Provider employees must help you.

Non-working Server Steam

Steam servers periodically go to preventive work. In the course of preventive work, users cannot log in to their account, communicate with their friends, browse the stima store, do other things associated with the network functions of this game site. Usually, such a procedure does not take more than an hour. It is enough just to wait until these technical work is finished, and then you can use Steam just as before.

Sometimes Steam Servers are disconnected due to too heavy loads. This happens when some new popular game comes out or summer or winter sale begins. A large number of users are trying to enter the Steam account, download the game client, as a result of which the server cannot cope and disconnect. The repair usually takes about half an hour. It is also enough just to wait a while, and then try to go to your account. It will not be superfluous to ask your friends or friends who enjoy Steam, as it works for them. If they also have a connection problem, then it is safe to say that, it is related to the servers of the style. If the problem lies not in servers, you should try the next way to solve it.

Damaged style files

Perhaps the whole thing is that certain files were damaged, which are responsible for the workability of the style. You must delete these files, and then Steam will restore them yourself. This often helps many users. In order to delete these files, you need to go to the folder in which Steam is located. You can do this in two ways: you can click on the Steam icon with the right mouse button, and then select the location of the file.

Opening a folder with Steam files

Another option is a simple transition to this folder. Through Windows Explorer you need to go to the next way:

C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam

Here is a list of files that can lead to the problems with the input to the Steam account.



After removing them, try to go to your account again. If everything happened, it is excellent - then you solved the problem with the entrance to Steam. Remote files will be restored automatically, so you can not be afraid, the fact that you are spoiled in the settings of the style.

Steam blocked by Firewall Windows or Antivirus

A frequent reason for the improper operation of the program may be Firewall locking (firewall) or antivirus. In order to solve this problem, you need to unlock the necessary programs. With Steam, the same story can happen.

Unlocking in the antivirus may vary, since different antiviruses have a different appearance. In general, it is recommended to go to a tab associated with blocking programs. Then found in the Steam list in the list of blocked programs and unlock.

To unlock the style in Firewall Windows (it is also called firewall) the procedure for approximately similar. You need to open the Blocked Program Settings window. To do this, via the "Start" menu proceed to the system parameters.

Opening Windows Firewall to Unlock Steam

Then you need to enter the word "firewall" in the search string.

Row to open Windows Firewall

From the proposed options, select Annexes related to applications.

A list of applications that are processed by Windows Firewall are open.

Permission to use the Internet connection for Steam in Windows Firewall

From this list you need to choose Steam. Check if Steam application unlock checkmarks in the appropriate line. If the ticks are affixed, it means the reason for the entrance to the Steam client is not associated with the firewall. If the checkboxes do not stand, you need to put them. To do this, click the Edit Settings button, after which you check the checkboxes. After you perform these changes, click OK to confirm.

Now try to enter your stima account. If everything happens, it means that there was a problem in Anti-Virus or Windows Firewall.

The hang of the Steam process

Another reason for which it is impossible to enter Steam is the dependent style process. This is expressed in the following: when trying to start Steam, it can not happen anything either Steam starts loaded, but after that the download window disappears.

If you see the like when trying to run Steam, then try to disable the process of the styms using the task manager. This is done like this: you need to press the Ctrl + Alt + Delete key combination, then go to the task dispatcher. If it has not opened immediately after clicking these keys, select it from the proposed list.

In the Task Manager you need to find a style client.

Windows Taste Dispatcher to remove Steam Process

Now click on this line with the right mouse button and select "Remove the task". As a result, the stima process will be disconnected, and you can enter your account. If after opening the task manager, you did not find the Steam process, then most likely the problem is not in it. Then the last option remains.

Reinstalling stima

If the previous methods did not help, then only a complete reinstalling of the stima client remains. If you want to save the installed games, you need to copy the folder with them in a separate hard disk space or external media. About how to remove Steam, while keeping the games installed in it, you can read here. After you delete Steam, you need to download it from the official site.

Download steam

Then you need to start the installation file. About how to install Steam and make its initial setup, you can read in this article. If even after reinstalling the stima, it does not start, it remains only to contact technical support. Since the client does not start with you, you will have to do it through the site. To do this, go to this site, log in, using your username and password, after which you select the technical support section from the top menu.

Steam support service

About how to write an appeal to Steam technical support, you can read here. Perhaps style workers will be able to help you with this problem.

Now you know what to do if it does not enter Steam. Share these ways to solve problems with your friends and acquaintances, who, like you, also use this popular playground.

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