How to delete ONEDRIVE from Windows 10 Explorer


How to delete ONEDRIVE from Windows 10 Explorer
Earlier, the site already published instructions on how to disable ODRIVE, remove the icon from the taskbar or completely delete ONEDRIVE, built into the latest Windows versions (see how to disable and delete ONEDRIVE in Windows 10).

However, with a simple distance, including simply in "Programs and Components" or application settings (such an opportunity appeared in Creators Update) ONEDRIVE item remains in the explorer, and it may not look incorrectly (without icons). In some cases, it may be necessary to simply remove this item from the conductor, without deleting the application itself. In this manual, it is detailed how to delete oneDrive from the Windows 10 Explorer panel. It can also be useful: how to move the ONEDRIVE folder in Windows 10 how to remove volumetric objects from Windows 10 Explorer.

Remove OneDrive Point in Explorer using registry editor

In order to remove the ONEDRIVE item in the left pane of the Windows 10 Explorer, it suffices to make small changes in the registry.

Steps to perform the task will be as follows:

  1. Press the Win + R keys on the keyboard and enter the REGEDIT (and press ENTER after entering).
  2. In the registry editor, go to the section (folders on the left) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ CLSID \ {018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-2247-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}
    ONEDRIVE display option in Windows 10 registry
  3. On the right side of the registry editor, you will see a parameter named System.IspinnedtonameSpaceTree
  4. Click on it twice (or right-click and select the Change Context menu item and set the value 0 (zero). Click OK.
    Remove OneDrive from Explorer
  5. If you have a 64-bit system, then in addition to the specified parameter, change the same parameter value with the same name in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ WOW6432NODE \ CLSID {018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} \
  6. Close the registry editor.

Immediately after performing these simple actions, the ONEDRIVE item will disappear from the conductor.

Usually, it is not required to restart the conductor, but if it did not work at once, try to restart it: Right-click on the Start button, select "Task Manager" (if available, click the "Details" button), select Explorer and Click the Restart button.

Update: Onedrive can be detected in another location - in the "Folder Overview" dialog that appears in some programs.

Delete ONEDRIVE from dialogue overview folders

To delete ONEDRIVE from the folder overview dialog, delete the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Software \ Explorer \ Desktop \ Namespace \ {018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} in the Windows 10 registry editor.

Remove the item ONEDRIVE in the conductor panel using gpedit.msc

If Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise version 1703 (Creators Update) is installed on your computer (Creators Update) or newer, you can remove the ondrive from the conductor, without deleting the application itself using the Local Group Policy Editor:

  1. Press Win + R keys on the keyboard and enter the gpedit.msc
  2. Go to Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows Components - Onedrive.
  3. Double-click on "Prohibit Using ONEDRIVE to store files in Windows 8.1" and set the "Enabled" value for this parameter, apply the changes made.
    Removing ONEDRIVE conductor using GPEDIT

After these actions, the ONEDRIVE point will disappear from the conductor.

As noted: By itself, this method does not delete oneDrive from the computer, but only removes the corresponding item from the quick access panel of the conductor. To completely delete the application, you can use the instructions that mentioned at the beginning of the article.

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