How to restore the style account


Recover account in Steam Logo

Despite the fact that Steam is an extremely protected system, besides there is a binding to the computer hardware and the ability to authenticate using a mobile application, nevertheless, sometimes hackers manage to access user accounts. At the same time, the account owner may experience a number of difficulties at the entrance to its account. Hackers can change the password from the account or change the email address attached to this profile. To get rid of such problems, you must perform the procedure for restoring your account, read further to learn how to restore the account in Steam.

To begin with, we consider the option in which the attackers changed the password from your account and when you try to log in, you will receive a message that the entered password is incorrect.

Password recovery in Steam

To restore the password in Steam, you must press the appropriate button on the input form, it is indicated as "I can't enter."

Password recovery button in Steam

After you click this button, the account recovery form will open. You need to choose the first option from the list that means that you have problems with login or password in Steam.

Password recovery or login from Steam

After you choose this option, the following form will open, it will be located on it to enter your login, email address, or phone number, which is associated with your account. Enter the necessary data. If you, for example, do not remember the login from your account, you can simply enter the email address. Confirm your actions by clicking the confirmation button.

Entering STEAM login to reset the password

The recovery code will be sent by the message to your mobile phone, the number of which is tied to the STEAM account. In the absence of a mobile phone binding to the account, the code will be sent to email. Enter the received code to the field that appears.

Enter Password Recovery Code from Steam

If you entered the code correctly, the shape will open to change the password. Enter the new password and confirm it in the second column. Try to come up with a difficult password so that the situation with hacking does not happen. Do not be lazy to take advantage of different records and sets of numbers in a new password. After the new password is entered, a form will appear that reports the successful password change.

Go to the shape of the entrance to Steam

Now it remains to click the "Sign In" button in order to return to the input window again. Enter your username and password and get access to your account.

Change email address in the style

Changing the Email address Steam, which is tied to your account, occurs in the same way as the method described above, only with amendment that you need another recovery option. That is, you pass to the password change window and select the email address shift, then also enter the confirmation code and enter the email address you need. You can also easily change your email address in Steam settings.

If the attackers managed to change email and password from your account and at the same time you do not have binding to a mobile phone number, then the situation is somewhat more complicated. You will have to prove the STEAM support service that this account belongs to you. For this, the screenshots of various transactions in Steam are suitable for this, information that came to your email address or a disk box, which has a game key activated in Steam.

Now you know how to restore your account in Steam after hackers hacked. If your friend got into a similar situation, tell him how to restore access to your account.

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