Steam: disk read error


Disk read error in steam logo

One of the problems with which the style user may encounter when trying to download the game, is a disk read error message. The reasons for the appearance of this error may be several. It is mainly due to the damage to the media of the information on which this game was installed, and the game itself may be damaged. Read Next to find out how to solve the problem with the error of reading the disc incent.

With a similar error, Dota games are often found. As already mentioned the entry, the disk read error may be associated with damaged game files, so the following steps should be taken to solve this problem.

Checking the integrity of cache

You can check the game for damaged files, a special function is in the stimple.

About how to check the integrity of the grade cache, you can read here.

After checking Steam will automatically update the files that were damaged. If after checking the Steam will not find damaged files, most likely, the problem is related to the other. For example, there may be damage to the hard disk or incorrect work in a bundle with a verse.

Damaged hard drive

The problem of the disk read error may often occur if the hard disk on which the game is installed is damaged. Damage can be caused by a carrier obsolescence. For some reason, individual disk sectors may be damaged, as a result of this, a similar error occurs when trying to start the game in the stime. To solve this problem, try to check the hard disk for errors. You can do this with the help of special programs.

If, after checking, it turned out that the hard disk has a lot of broken sectors, you must perform a hard disk defragmentation procedure. Note that during this process you will lose all the data on it, so they need to be transferred to another carrier in advance. Also can help check the hard disk for integrity. To do this, you need to open the Windows Console and enter the following line in it:


Disc recovery to solve the problem with the start of the game in Steam

If you installed the game to a disk, which has another lettering designation, then instead of the letter "C" you need to specify the letter that is tied to this hard disk. With this command, you can restore the damaged sectors on the hard disk. Also, this command checks the disk for errors, corrects them.

Another option to solve this problem is to install the game to another medium. If you have the same, you can install the game to another hard drive. It is done by creating a new section of the game library in the style. To do this, delete the game that does not start, then start the re-installation. On the first installation window you will be asked to choose the installation location. Change this place by creating a style library folder on another disk.

Changing the Place Installation of the game in Steam

After the game is installed, try running it. It is likely that it will start without problems.

Another reason for this error may be a shortage of hard disk space.

Lack of hard disk space

If there is little free space left on the media to which the game is installed, for example, there is less than 1 gigabyte, then the Steam can issue a read error while trying to start the game. Try to enlarge your hard disk space by removing unnecessary programs and files from this disk. For example, you can delete unnecessary films, music or games that are installed on a carrier. After you have increased your free disk space, try running the game again.

If it does not help, contact stima technical support. About how to write a message to the style of stima, you can read in this article.

Now you know what to do in case of an error of reading a disk in the style when you try to start the game. If you know other ways to solve this problem, write about it in the comments.

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