How to unlock a friend in the style


Unlock friend in the style of logo

One of the frequent problems with which the user may encounter the system is unlocking a friend. You may have blocked another Steam Page by having quarreled with him, but over time your relationships were installed, and you want to return it back to the friend's list. Many Steam users do not know how to make a friend unlocking. Blocked users, by definition, are not displayed in the list of contacts.

Therefore, it is impossible to just go to it, click on the right mouse button and select the unlock item. You must go into a separate menu, which is intended only for this purpose. Find out the details of the friend's unlock in Steam below.

Unlocking is needed so that you can add a user to your friends. Blocked User You will not be able to add to friends. When you try to add, a corresponding message will be issued that the user is in your "Black List". So how do you fully unlock a friend in Steam?

How to unlock a friend in Steam

First you need to go to the list of blocked users. This is done as follows: Click on your nickname in the top menu, and then select "Friends".

Go to the list of friends in Steam

As a result, the window of your friends opens. You need to go to the Blocked Users tab. In order to unlock the user, you need to press the appropriate button called "Unlock users".

A small window will appear in front of the blocked users, in which you can put a tick confirming your action.

Unlock users in Steam

Check the box next to those users you want to unlock. On this unlock completed. Now you can add a user to your friends and continue to communicate with him. In the same form, you can unlock all users of the "Black List". To do this, you can select them all by pressing the "Select All" button first, and then the Unlock button. You can simply press the "Unlock EveryOne" button.

After this action, all users you have blocked in Steam will be unlocked. Over time, perhaps a list of blocked users will also be displayed in the contact list. It would be much simplified unlocking users you need. The same unlock is available only through the menu described above.

Now you know how to unlock a friend to add it back to the list of friends. If your friends who use Estimator are encountered with similar problems, tell him about this method. Perhaps this advice will help your familiar.

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