How to archive Outlook mail


Logo Archiving letters in Outluk

The more often you accept and send letters, the more correspondence is stored on your computer. And, of course, it leads to the fact that the disk ends the place. Also, it may lead to the fact that Outlook will simply stop accepting letters. In such cases, follow the size of your drawer and, if necessary, delete extra letters.

However, to free the place, it is not necessary to delete all letters. The most important can be simply archived. How to do this we will analyze in this instruction.

In total, Outlook provides for two ways to archive mail. The first is automatic and the second - manual.

Automatic archiving of letters

Let's start with the most convenient way - it is an automatic mail archiving.

The advantages of this method are that Outlook will archive letters themselves without your participation.

You can attribute to the cons associates that all letters and necessary, and not needed.

In order to configure automatic archiving, you must click on the "Parameters" button in the "File" menu.

Open the parameters in Outluk

Next, go to the "Advanced" tab and in the Autarchivation group, click the "Auto Archive Setup".

Go to the autoarchivation setting window in Outluk

Now it remains to set the necessary settings. To do this, set the "Autoarchivation every ... days" checkbox and here we set the archiving period in the days.

Configuring automatic archiving in Outluk

Next, configure the parameters at your discretion. If you want Outlook to request confirmation before starting the archive, check the "Request to Auto Archive" checkbox, if this is not required, then uncheck the checkbox and the program will do everything yourself.

Below you can configure the automatic removal of old letters, where you can also set the maximum "age" of the letter. And also determine what to do with old letters - move them to a separate folder or simply delete them.

Once you have made the desired settings, you can click on the "Apply settings to all folders" button.

If you want to select the folders you want to archive, then in this case you have to go to the properties of each folder and tune the autoarchivation there.

Finally, press the "OK" button to confirm the settings made.

In order to cancel autoarchivation, it will be enough to take the box "Autarchivation each ... days".

Hand archiving letters

Now we will analyze the manual method of archiving.

This method is quite simple and does not require any additional settings from users.

Manual archiving letters in Outluk

In order to send an email to the archive, it must be highlighted in the list of letters and click on the "Archive" button. To archive a group of letters, it is enough just to highlight the desired letters and then press the same button.

This method also has its pros and cons.

The advantages can be attributed to what you choose what letters require archiving. Well, minus is a manual execution of archiving.

Thus, the Outlook email client provides its users with several options for creating an archive of letters. For more reliability, you can use both. That is, to begin to set up autoarchivation and then, as you need to send letters to the archive yourself, and delete too much.

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