How to get stimple icons


Collection of icons in Steam Logo

Inteni icons can be of interest in several cases. You may want to collect these badges and boast them to friends. Also, icons allow you to increase your level in the style. In order to get icons, it is necessary to collect a certain number of cards. Read more about this further in the article.

Collection of icons is a fairly interesting occupation for many. At the same time, this lesson is quite difficult, as you need to know the details of this case. A poorly serious user Steam without appropriate help can spend a lot of time to start successfully collect icons.

How to assemble the icon in steam

In order to understand how you can get the stima icons, you need to go to the page on which the icons collected you are displayed. This is done using the Steam top menu. You need to click on your nickname, and then select "Icons" item.

Transition to STEAM icons

Consider some one of the icons in more detail. As an example, take the game icon "Saints Row 4". The collection panel of this icon has the following form.

Icon panel in steam

The left is shown how much personal experience will be received by you after you collect this icon. The following block displays those cards that you have already been collected. The required number of cards is shown on the right. It also indicates how many cards you are collected from the required number. After you collect all the cards, you can create an icon. At the top of the form, it is shown how many more cards can fall out of the game.

How can I get cards? In order to get cards just just play in a specific game. While you play the game, after certain intervals you will fall out one card. This card will appear in your stima inventory. Each game has a certain number of cards that may fall out. This number is always less than what is necessary to collect the icon. Therefore, you will have to find missing cards in other ways.

How can you get the missing cards? One way is to exchange with a friend. For example, you collect cards for Saints Row 4, you lack 4 cards, but you have cards for other games. But, icons to these games you do not collect, then you can exchange unnecessary cards on the "Saints Row" cards. In order to see which cards are your friends, you must click on the left mouse appliance icon collection panel.

Then scroll through the open page down, here you can see which cards and which friend has. Knowing this information, you can quickly get the missing cards, exchanging with your friends.

Cards that have friends in Steam

In order to start the exchange of inventory items with a friend, it is enough to click on it with the right mouse button in the list of friends, and choose the item "Offer Exchange".

Sharing Offer in Steam

After you collect all the necessary cards, you can assemble the icon. To do this, it will be enough to click the icon creation button, which will appear on the right side of the panel. After creating the icon, you will also get a background associated with the game, smile or some other item. Also rises the level of your profile. In addition to ordinary icons, there are also special badges in the incentive, which are indicated as FOIL (metal).

These badges are slightly different, as well as bring much more experience for the Steam account. In addition to icons that can be obtained by collecting cards, incentive there are icons received for participating in various events and perform certain actions.

Event icons in Steam

As an example of such icons, it is possible to give "long service", which is given during the time of creating an account in the style. Another example is the "Participation in Summer Or Winter Sale" icon. To obtain such icons, you must perform actions, the list of which is listed on the icon panel. For example, during the sale it is necessary to vote for games that you would like to see with a discount. After a certain number of votes are scored on your account, you will receive a sales icon.

Unfortunately, the exchange of icons in Steam is impossible due to the fact that they are shown only in the icon panel, but not displayed in the stima inventory.

Here are such ways you can get a style icon. Tell your friends who use verses. Perhaps they had a large number of cards and they were not against creating from them icons.

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