How to see the Study Study in Steam


Viewing the Study History in Steam

One of the popular functions among user users is the exchange of inventory items. It happens that you need to see the history of previous exchanges. It happens when you want to make sure that the Exchange You are fully satisfied with you. It also happens in the case when you want to know where the subject disappeared from your inventory, did you exchange your other earlier. Read Next to find out how to see the Study Study in Steam.

Steam maintains a complete interchange story. Therefore, you can even watch the most long-standing transaction committed in this service. To go to the exchange history, you need to open the Inventory Page. This is done as follows: Click on your nickname in the upper right corner of the Steam menu, then select "Inventory".

Transition to inventory in Steam

Now you need to click a button that is located on the right side of the drop-down list window, select the "Inventory History" option.

Button Viewing History In Steam

You will fall on the page containing detailed information about all the transactions you enabled in the style.

Window with the Study Store in Steam

For each exchange, the following information is given: the date of its commission, the nickname of the user with whom you exchanged, as well as the items that you passed the Steam to the user and which received from it during the transaction. The obtained items are marked with the "+" icon, and the given "-". You can also click on any item obtained in this window to go to its page in your Steam inventory.

If there are a large number of transactions, you can switch between transaction records, using numbers at the top of the form. Now you can easily determine where exactly the items from your Steam inventory are, and no item will disappear from it without a trace.

If, when trying to view the event history, a message is given that the page is not available, then you should wait for a while and try to go to this page again.

The Stregnation Story is a great tool to control the transactions you make in this service. With it, you can keep your own metature of exchange in the style.

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