How to add visual bookmarks in Amigo


Browser logo amigo

For user convenience, the amigo browser is equipped with a page with visual bookmarks. By default, they are already filled, but the user has the ability to change the contents. Let's see how it is done.

We add a visual bookmark to the amigo browser

1. Open the browser. Click on the top panel for a sign "+".

Open the Pauls tab in the amigo browser

2. A new tab opens, which is called "Remote controller" . Here we see logos of social networks, mail, weather. When you click on this tab, the transition to the site of interest will be carried out.

Visual tabs in the amigo browser

3. To add a visual bookmark, we need to click on the icon "+" which is located downstairs.

Add a visual tab in the amigo browser

4. Go to the New Bookmark Settings window. In the top line, we can enter the address of the site. We introduce for example the address of the Google search engine, as in the screenshot. From the links that appeared at the bottom, choose the desired one.

Site address to add a visual tab in the amigo browser

5. Or we can write as in the search engine "Google" . Below will also link to the site.

Site title To add a visual tab in the amigo browser

6. We can also choose a site from the list of recent visited.

Recently visited sites in the amigo browser

7. Not depending on the option of searching for the desired site, click on the site that appeared with the logo. A check mark will appear on it. In the lower right corner, press the button "Add".

Add a visual tab to the amigo browser

8. If everything is done correctly, then on your visual bookmark panel there should be a new one, in my case it is Google.

New Visual tab in the amigo browser

9. In order to remove the visual bookmark, click on the remove sign, which appears when you hover the cursor to the tab.

Removing a new visual tab in the amigo browser

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