How to change the name of the group in the style


Changing the name of the group in Steam Logo

Inteni groups allow us to unite users who have common interests. For example, all users who live in the same city and play the game Dota 2, can come together. Also groups can bind people who have some kind of overall hobbies, such as watching movies. When creating a group in the style, it needs to specify a specific name. Many are probably interested in the question - how to change this name. Read further to find out how you can change the name of the Steam group.

In fact, the function of changing the name of the group in the style is still not available. For some considerations, developers prohibit changing the name of the group, but you can take advantage of bypassing.

How to change the name of the group in the style

The essence of the name of the group name in the system is that you create a new group that is a copy of the current one. True, you will have to remar all users who were in the old group. Of course, some of the users will not go to the new group, and you will incur a certain loss of the audience. But only this way you can change the name of your group. On how to create a new group in the style you can read in this article.

It describes in detail about all stages of creating a new group: about setting the initial settings, such as the name of the group, abbreviation and references, as well as pictures of the group, add description to it, etc.

After the new group is created, leave a message in the old group that you have made a new one, and the oldest will stop maintaining. Active users will surely read this message and will be translated into a new group. Users who practically did not enter the page of your group, hardly go. But on the other hand, you get rid of low-effective participants who practically did not benefit the group.

It is best to leave a message that you have created a new community and the participants of the old group need to go to it. Message about the transition Make in the form of a new discussion in the old group. To do this, open the old band, go to the Discussion tab, and then click the "Start New Discussion" button.

Creating a new discussion in Steam

Enter the title that you create a new group and describe in detail in the description of the reason for changing the name. After that, click the "Publish Discussion" button.

Publication of a new discussion in Steam

After that, many users of the old group will see your messages, and go to the community. Can you also use the functionality of events when creating a new group? You can do this on the "Events" tab. You need to click the "Planning Event" button to create a new date.

Creating a new Steam Group Event

Specify the name of the event that will inform the group's participants about what you are going to do. Event type can choose any. But most suggests a special occasion. Describe in detail the essence of the transition to a new group, specify the event actions time, then click the "Create Event" button.

Filling the text of the event in Steam

At the time of events, all users of the current group will see this message. By following the letter, many users will switch to a new group. If you have enough to change the link that leads to the group, then you can not make a new community. Just change the band abbreviation.

Change abbreviation or group links

Change the abbreviation or link that leads to the page of your group in the group editing settings. To do this, go to the page of your group, and then click the "Edit Group Profile" button. It is located in the right column.

Steam Group Profile Editing Button

With this form, you can change the necessary group data. You can change the title to be displayed at the top on the group page. Together with the abbreviation, you can change the link to lead to the community page. Thus, you can change the group link to a shorter and understandable name for users. In this case, you do not have to create a new group.

Steam Group Profile Editing

Perhaps, over time, the stima developers will allow you to change the name of the group, but how much to wait for the appearance of this function is not clear. So, you will have content with only the proposed two options.

It is believed that many users do not like if the name of the group in which they are, will be changed. As a result, they will become participants in the community, in which they would not want to consist. For example, if the name of the Dota 2 lovers group will be changed to "people who do not loving Dota 2", many participants will obviously do not like.

Now you know how to change the name of your group in the style and different ways to change. We hope that this article will help you when working with a group in Steam.

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