How to use Steam


We use the style of logo

Steam is the largest playground today. They enjoy several tens of millions of people around the world. This recognition has not deserved this platform. Steam is a kind of social network for players. Here you can communicate with other users, share screenshots, run gaming broadcasts, etc. With Steam, you can easily share your gaming addictions with any person on the planet.

Also, this is a great service for buying games - all fresh novelties appear here at the time of exit. You will not need to even get up from the sofa - just press a couple of buttons, and the game is already on your computer. Read more about all the main features of Steam further in this article.

A description of how to use Steam, start from joining this gaming community.

How to register in the style

SHEAM entrance form

The registration process in Steam is similar to the same procedure in other programs and social networks. You will need to select a login and password, and then specify the address of your email, which will be used to activate your account and further confirm all operations on it. You can read more about how to register in Steam you can read here.

How to change the language in the style into Russian

Selection of Russian Language in Steam

If the program displays the entire text in English or other language (menu, buttons, descriptions, etc.), then you need to change the language of the application into Russian. You can do this through the steam client settings. About how to change the stylation language into Russian you can read in this article.

How to return money for the game in Steam

Return Point for Steam Game

Steam tries to go ahead of the entire planet and one of the first offered the possibility of returning funds to the client's account if he did not like the purchased game. Moreover, money is returned not only to Steam's wallet, but also on an external account, for example, on a credit card. True, you can only return the game in which you did not play more than 2 hours. A number of other conditions must also be performed. How to return money spent on the game in this service, you can read here.

How to add a friend in the style

Adding a person as a friend in Steam

Adding a friend in the style can be a serious problem for the new user. The thing is that the playground limits the possibilities of recently registered accounts. One of these restrictions is just the lack of a function of adding as a friend. How to circumvent this restriction, if you just started using popular game service - read in this article.

How to bring money from stim

Although Steam officially does not support the output from the inner wallet to foreign bills, it is still possible to do it. To do this, you will need to use the services of intermediaries - both firms and individuals. About how to withdraw money from Steam's wallet, you can read here.

How to enable Steam Guard


Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator is an innovative account protection function in Steam. Using it, you can reliably protect your account. It can be accessed only by entering the code from your mobile phone. This code changes every 30 seconds and is displayed in the STEAM mobile application. Therefore, the attackers will not be able to hack your account in this game service. How to connect Steam Guard to your Steam Account - read here.

How to Disable Mobile Authenticator Steam Guard

Steam Mobile Authenticator Disconnection Button

Despite the fact that Steam Guard significantly increases the degree of protection of the account, it can also serve as the cause of inconvenience. Since it is necessary to enter a code from a mobile application to enter the account with the Steam Guard enabled, you can get into the following situation: you need to log in, and there is no phone at hand (for example, it has a battery). As a result, a decent time will be held while you can enter the account and play your favorite games. To avoid data unpleasant situations, Steam Guard should be disabled. About how to do it, you can read in this article.

How to bind the phone to the stim

Opening menu in Steam on mobile phone

Binding the phone to Steam is needed to increase its protection. In addition, using the application on a mobile phone, you can enjoy almost all the functions of the playground directly on the phone. The only one, you will not be able to play games, but chat, activity ribbon, buying games and much more - available in mobile application. Read more about binding the phone to Steam account - here.

How to find out steam id

Installing a personal link in Steam profile

Steam ID number is needed for use in various services. For example, with the help of it, you can find out the player's statistics in the popular game Dota 2. Also using the ID you can go to the user page.

How to find out the Stam profile ID, read here.

What is the estimated address in Steam

Filled settlement address in Steam

When you use a credit card to pay for games in the style, you need to fill out information about your account. Among the fields to fill, there is a string "Settlement address". Many users do not know what it is, and incorrect information is introduced.

Everything is simple, the estimated address is the place of your stay. How to fill this field when paying Steam services from a credit card, you can read in the relevant article.

How to put money on steam

Account page in Steam

To buy games in Steam requires replenishment of the inner wallet. You can do this in many ways: electronic wallets, mobile phone account, credit card. Detailed description of all ways to replenish the wallet in Steam you will find here.

How to enable confirmation of trades in the style

Enabling automatic confirmation of exchange in Steam Logo

With the introduction of Steam Guard changed and the conditions for sharing the subjects between the service participants. Now, if you did not connect the mobile authenticator, you will have to wait 15 days to confirm the exchange. It bothers the deal greatly, slowing them. How to enable confirmation of a trad in the style and remove the delay, read in this article.

How to change password in steam

Password change button in Steam

If you want to maintain a high security level of your account in Steam, then you should periodically change the password. It may also be needed if your password is too weak, and you want to put a difficult password that will not be able to pick up. You can read in this article about changing the password in Steam.

How to activate the key in steam

Entering a key from Steam game

Steam games can be acquired by how buying them with the help of the internal store of the service and activating the keys purchased on third-party trading platforms. This feature is used and when activated games purchased in the physical media format (disk). How to activate the key from the game Steam - read here.

How to find out the trad link

Schedule link

The service has a large number of opportunities and functions for maintaining a full exchange and trade in inventory items. One of these functions is to activate the exchange by reference. This allows you to exchange with other users, without even adding them to friends. The link is convenient to post on various forums and sites. Read this article to learn more about the Trade link in Steam.

How to create a group in the style

Select Settings for Steam Group

Groups in Steam are invented to combine users with common interests. For example, you can join the group associated with the game that will soon come out. Also create your own group can any user service. Read more about the process of creating a group in Steam here.

How to raise the level in the style

Steam icon collection

Steam developers are constantly improving this playground. One of the interesting innovations is the stima profile level. With it, you can pump your account as well as pumping the level in any RPG (role-playing game). High level - an excellent reason to boast of friends. In addition, it affects the likelihood of random accumulation of Steam inventory items. The higher the level, the more likely to be higher.

You can increase the level in several ways. About the most effective way to improve the level in Steam read in this article.

How to get free games in steam

Transition to free games in Steam

Steam can please their users with a large number of free games. Moreover, many of them are not inferior to large paid projects. For example, one of the most popular games in the world - Dota 2 is completely free. To get ready for free games in this service, read here.

How to make money in the style

CSGO box in Steam

The service will allow you not only to have fun with friends, playing excellent game news, but also earn. Steam has several ways of earnings. Read more about this in this article.

How to translate money with stima on kiwi

Many users want to transfer money from the Steam wallet to their account in the electronic payment system. For example, at the expense of the popular QIWI service. But, unfortunately, there is no direct opportunity yet. In order to translate money from stima on Kiwi will have to use the services of intermediaries. About how to do this, read here.

How to check the integrity of the cache in the style

The process of checking the integrity of the game of the game in Steam

In case of problems with the start of the game in Steam, the first thing you need to check the cache integrity. This feature allows you to check game files for damage. If the files are damaged, then the problem was in them. After checking the files will be replaced with integers, and you can play the game. Read this article to learn how to check the integrity of the grade cache.

How to open inventory in the style for exchanging

Setting the openness of the inventory in Steam

Open inventory will allow other users to see your items without adding friend. It is convenient - if you have the necessary items, the user will add you to friends and send an exchange request. If there is no necessary subject, then you and another owner of the style account do not have to spend your time for extra question. In addition, open inventory is needed to create a link exchange. How to make your Steam inventory open, you can read here.

How to write in support

Entering the message for Steem support Steam

As with any other popular service, Steam has its own support service. You can contact it through the Steam program. Using the application, you can solve problems associated with games, account and other service functions. Read more about how to contact Steam Support, you can read in this article.

How to remove steam

Folder with Steam Game Files

Perhaps you will have a mood to play games, and you want to remove Steam. But at the same time, in the future, you plan to resume your passion. Here, many users are waiting for a trap - when removing Steam programs, the games installed in it are also deleted. Therefore, read this article to know how to delete Steam, while saving installed games.

How to remove the game in steam

Removal Button game in Steam

Delete the game in Steam simply. Enough to press a pair of buttons and the game will be removed from your hard disk. But even then unexpected things occur, such as an error when deleting. Most often, this happens with games from inexperienced developers. On how to remove the game in Steam in any situation, read here.

How to make an invisible nickname in the style

Empty Nickname in Steam

You can surprise your friends, putting your emptiness instead. When they go to the page of your profile, instead of the name they will see only empty place. Also, your name will not be visible in the Games of the Service. Read this article to learn how to make an invisible nickname in Steam.

What does REP mean in the style

Wall Reputation Tag in Steam

If you have been using this game service for a long time, then probably not once noticed inscriptions like "rep +" or "rap +" on the pages of various users. About what they mean, you can read in this article.

How to untie the phone from stim

Binding the phone to the Steam account may prevent the entry into the account, as it will be necessary to enter the Steam Guard access code. For this reason, many have a mobile phone number from the Steam account, after this function is used for some time. How to do it, you can read in the appropriate article.

How to change mail in the style

Steam Email Change Button

Mail change is needed if you decide to change the address of your e-mailbox. How to do it, you can read here.

How to put a background in cat

Change of profile background in Steam

Beautiful background profile allows him to give him uniqueness and delight visitors to the page. Steam allows you to choose the back background of the page from those options that are available in your inventory. Read this article to learn how to put the desired background in the style.

How to change currency in the style

Selection of problems with Steam in support

Changing the currency in Steam may be needed if prices in the domestic service are displayed incorrectly. For example, in dollars, while you live in Russia. It also affects the cost of games. About how to change the display of prices in the stime, you can read in this article.

How to buy a game in Steam

Store section in Steam

In order to play games on this playground, they need to buy them. Purchase of Games is one of the main features of the stima, so it paid great attention - the games are divided into categories, there is the possibility of filtering them on various characteristics, you can view games with a discount, etc. How to competently buy the game in the style, you can read here.

How to find a friend in the style

Add to friends in the style

Since Steam uses several tens of millions of users, this playing area has an advanced profile search system. With the help of it you can find your friends in this huge game community. You can read more about finding and adding a friend to the contact list here.

Family access steam

Family Access Management Tab in Steam

Family access is another interesting feature of the service. With the help of Family Sharing, you can share your library games with your friends and loved ones. They will not have to acquire those games that you have. They will be able to run them directly from your library!

You can learn from this article on how to enjoy family-friendly access.

How to increase download speed in Steam

Tab with settings of game downloads in Steam

Since with the help of the Steam service you can buy and upload games without getting up from the sofa, and modern games have a large size, then the speed of their download is extremely important. Agree, wait 2 days to play the game interested you, it is unpleasant. There is a way to increase the speed of downloading games in the style. Read more about it in this article.

How to add video to steam

Adding a video to Steam

With the help of the game service, you can share not only screenshots from games, but also lay out the game video. To do this, you will need to connect your YouTube account to the profile in Steam. After that you can upload video to Steam. Read this article to find out how to add video to Steam.

How to open a trading platform in Steam

Terms of Use of the Steam Trade

Steam Marketplace is a popular destination for many service users. But it is impossible to use it immediately after creating an account. For the sale and purchase of items, a number of conditions must be executed for unlocking them. Read the appropriate article to learn how to unlock the trading platform of the style.

Where steam screenshots are stored

Folder with screenshots of Steam Games

The screenshot creation feature is one of the most popular features among users. The program saves the pictures you make to a specific folder. Opening this folder, you get access to all saved screenshots and can make everything you want with them - send to a friend on the social network, edit in the photo editor, etc.

To find out where the steam store screenshots, read this article.

How to transfer money from Steam on Steam

Items on the Steam shopping area

Unfortunately, the direct translation from the wallet of one user style on the wallet is impossible. But you can use bypass tracks: transmission of inventory items or subject to the subject on the trading platform for a certain price. This will allow you to transfer money to another account owner to Steam. For more information about translations of money in the style you can read here.

How to reinstall Steam

Reinstall Steam Logo

Reinstalling the stima is needed if you have any problems with the client of this program. At the same time, it is important that the installed games are not lost during reinstallation, since there can be decent time to re-download. Read this article to learn how to reinstall Steam.

How to add a game in steam

Change the properties of a third-party game in the STEAM library

Adding a new game in your gaming library is possible in several ways. One of them is adding a third-party game that is installed on your computer, but there are no games in the Steam service itself (in the game store). About how to add a body game to the style library, you can read here.

How to sell stimples

Price on Steam

Sale of things is one of the popular features of the playground. We sell things, you will receive money for which in consequence will be able to buy new games or purchase other inventory items: cards, backgrounds, smiles, etc. To find out how to sell stimples, read this article.

How to get cards in steam

Mapping cards in Steam

Many user users love to collect game cards. In addition, the cards allow you to create icons and raise the profile level. You can get cards in Steam in several ways: play games, buying on a shopping area, exchange with friends. You can read more about this here.

How to update Steam

Check updates in Steam

The latest version of the program contains error corrections, and may also have some new newly entered function. Therefore, it is important to update the Steam client. Sometimes the update may have problems. Read this article to learn how to update the Steam client.

How to find out the cost of Steam Account

Account Calculation Service in Steam

Games that are present on your account can make a decent amount at their cost. And you can even not know about it. In order to calculate the cost of the account exist special services. If you want to find out the cost of the purchased games of your account or your friends account, then read this article.

How to unlock a friend in the style

Unlock users in Steam

If you are annoyed to communicate with some people in the style, then you can add them to the blacklist. But after the resentment subsides, you want to return the user to the friend's list. Make it is not so easy. Steam developers did not add a list of locked users to a general list of contacts. To unlock, you have to open a separate menu. On how to unlock a friend in the stime, you can read in this article.

How to Clean the history of nicks in Steam

History of Nicks in Steam

History of nicks contains all your previous names that you put on your profile. If you want Steam users to see your previous nicks, then you will have to clean the story of nicks. Do this by pressing one button can not. We will have to use other methods.

Read this article to find out how to clean the story of your old nicks in Steam.

How to remove a group in the style

Output button from Steam group

If you decide that the Steam Community Group created by you no longer makes sense, then it can be deleted. How to do this - read here.

How to find the game in the style

Search row in Steam Store

It is important to be able to enjoy the search for games in the Steam client, as you can choose the options suitable for entertainment. The search for games on this playground has flexible settings, so you can find the game most appropriate to your tastes. How to look for games in the style, read here.

How to change login in the style

Go to the profile page in Steam

The change of login in the popular game service is not easy. This is due to changing their login via profile editing it is impossible. You will have to create a new account and transfer all information into it and the list of contacts. Read this article to learn how to change login in the style.

How to add music to steam

Music added to Steam

Steam may well serve as a music player. You can add your own musical collection and listen to it during the game. About how to add your own music from a computer in Steam, you can read here.

How to call in the style

Call user steam

In addition to playing Steam music, the role of voice chat that replaces such popular programs to communicate as Skype and TeamSpeak. It is enough to press a couple of button, and you can talk with your microphone friends. And this is possible in the conference format. Read this article to find out how to call your friends in the style.

How to record video in the style

Launched FRAPS for recording video from Steam game

Although the program supports the ability to broadcast the gameplay, but it does not have a video recording function from games. Therefore, for this purpose you will have to use third-party applications for recording video from a computer. On how to record a video from the game in the style, you can read in this article.

Where the game sets games

Folder with installed Steam games

If you want to use modes for games or you need to change game files, then you should know where these are the most files. Read this article to know where the game sets the game.

How to offer stock exchange

Opening a list of contacts in Steam

The sharing function in the style allows you to transmit objects between different users. You will be able to exchange games, inventory items with your friends. In order to start the exchange, you need to send a request to your friend. About how to do it, you can read here.

How to change the name of the group in the style

Steam Group Profile Editing Button

Changing the name of the group in Steam is another challenge due to the fact that there is no suitable function in the program. You will need to create a new group and transfer information with old. Read this article to learn how to change the name of the group in the style.

How to translate money from stim

The output of money with Steam is also a difficult task. You will need to find intermediaries, ready to transfer money to your external account. In return, you will need to give them objects inside the style. You can read more about the output of money from the style here.

How to set up Steam

Editing Notifications Settings in Steam

Proper style setting allows you to use this program as comfortable as possible. You can adjust the application to your needs. The main settings include the format of alerts about various events in the program, display of interface parts, etc. Read this article to know how to configure Steam.

How to get stimple icons

Icon panel in steam

Game icons you can boast of your friends. They also allow you to receive various objects and raise the profile level. About how to get icons in Steam, you can read here.

How to see the Study Study in Steam

Window with the Study Store in Steam

The exchange story allows you to see which transactions you have previously been concluded. With it, you can determine where your favorite background or smile disappeared. How to see the Study Study in Steam, you can read here.

How to change the name of the account in Steam

Change Profile Eviation in Steam

If you want to change your image on this playground, you will also need and change your name. You can do this through the profile settings. About how to change the name of the account in Steam, you can read here.

How to activate the game in the style

Steam Library game

Activation of the game in Steam can be performed in several ways: you can activate the game key or activate the game that is in your inventory. Read this article to find out how to activate the game in the style.

How to get out of the style

Exit from the current account and user shift in Steam

Under the exit from the style is usually understood by way out of the account. This may be needed when you decide to create a new account or login under a different user profile. Read the appropriate article to learn how to get out of the style.

How to change the region in the style

Selection of a region of accommodation in Steam

Setting up the region is important for properly display prices in the domestic store of the service. This is necessary if you moved to another country, which uses a different currency. On how to change the country of residence in Steam, read here.

Fonts for stima

Nick with special fonts in Steam

If you use a decent time with a game, then we noticed that the nicknames of some users of the playground look unusual and beautiful. This is achieved through the use of non-standard fonts. You can read more about the use of a special font in Steam in this article.

How to disable automatic update in Steam

Selecting the game update option in Steam

By default, Steam updates the client and games from the library with a certain frequency. But perhaps you need to do so that the update takes place only when you want it, and not automatically. Read this article to learn how to disable auto-update in the style.

How to confirm the email address in Steam

Letter with confirmation reference Steam Post Address

If you want to use all the program features, you need to confirm the email address that is tied to your account. Using emails, you can restore access to your account or confirm the exchange. Here you can learn how to confirm the email address in Steam.

How to find out the version of the game in the style

View game version of Steam

When problems arise with a network game with your friend through Steam, then probably the reason is related to different versions of the game. You can check the version through the properties of the game. Read this article to find out how to check the version of the game in the style.

How to disable Steam

Turning off Steam through the client menu

After you complete the use of Steam, the program will need to turn off so that it does not occupy the computer resources. How to do it - read here.

With this cycle of articles, you will learn about all the possibilities and tricks of the largest game service in the world. We hope that after reading you will not have any question about using Steam.

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