Failed to upload your Firefox profile: problem solving


Firefox failed to download your profile

In the process of using the Mozilla Firefox browser, users can meet with a different kind of problems. Today we will look at the procedure that needs to be performed to eliminate the error "Failed to download your Firefox profile. Perhaps it is missing or unavailable. "

If you encountered a mistake "Failed to download your Firefox profile. Perhaps it is missing or unavailable. " or simply "There is no profile" This means that the browser for any reason cannot access your profile folder.

Profile folder is a special folder on a computer that stores information about using the Mozilla Firefox browser. For example, in the profile folder is kesh, cookies, visits history, saved passwords, etc.

How to fix the problem with Firefox profile?

Note, if you first renamed or moved a folder with a profile, then return it to your place, after which the error should be eliminated.

If you have not performed any manipulations with the profile, we can conclude that for some reason it has been removed. As a rule, this is either a random user deletion of files on a computer, or action on a viral software computer.

In this case, you do not have anything else, how to create a new Mozilla Firefox profile.

To do this, you need to close the Firefox (if it was running). Press the Win + R key combination to call the window. "Run" And enter the following command to the displayed window:

Firefox.exe -p.

Firefox: Failed to download your profile

A window will be displayed on the screen, which allows you to control Firefox profiles. We need to create a new profile, because, accordingly, choose the button "Create".

Firefox failed to download your profile

Specify the profile arbitrary name, as well as, if necessary, change the folder in which your profile will be stored. If there is no need for need, the location of the profile folder is better to leave in the same place.

Firefox failed to download your profile

Once you click on the button "Ready" You will return to the profile control window again. Highlight a new profile with one click on it with the left mouse button, and then click on the button. "Run Firefox".

Firefox failed to download your profile

After the actions performed on the screen will start completely empty, but the working browser Mozilla Firefox. If before that you used the synchronization function, you can restore the data.

READ ALSO: Synchronization setting in Mozilla Firefox browser

Fortunately, problems with Mozilla Firefox profiles are easily eliminated by the creation of a new profile. If you have not previously conducted any manipulations with the profile, because of which it could have an inoperability of the browser, then be sure to scan the system for viruses to eliminate the infection that affects your browser.

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