How to remove the interval between paragraphs


How to remove the interval between paragraphs

The Microsoft Word program, as in most text editors, is given a certain indent (interval) between paragraphs. This distance exceeds the distance between the rows in the text directly inside each paragraph, and it is necessary for the best readability of the document and the convenience of navigation. In addition, a certain distance between paragraphs is a necessary requirement when issuing documents, abstracts, diploma works and other no less important securities.

For work, as in cases where the document is created not only for personal use, these indents are of course needed. However, in some situations there may be necessary to reduce, or even remove the set distance between paragraphs in the Word. About how to do it, we will tell below.

Lesson: How to change the firmware in WORD

Remove the interval between paragraphs

1. Highlight the text, the interval between paragraphs in which you need to change. If this is a fragment of the text from the document, use the mouse. If this is all text contents of the document, use the keys "Ctrl + A".

Select text in Word

2. In group "Paragraph" which is located in the tab "Home" Find button "Interval" And click on a small triangle, located on the right of it to deploy the menu of this tool.

Interval button in Word

3. In the window that appears, you need to make an action by selecting one of the two bottom items or both (it depends on the previously installed parameters and what you need as a result):

    • Remove the interval before paragraph;
      • Remove the interval after paragraph.

      Parameters of intervals between paragraphs in Word

      4. The interval between paragraphs will be deleted.

      The interval between paragraphs is removed in Word

      Change and perform accurate setting of intervals between paragraphs

      The method that we looked above allows you to quickly switch between the standard values ​​of the intervals between paragraphs and their absence (again, the standard value set to the default Word). If you need to accurately set up this distance, set some kind of value so that it is, for example, it was minimal, but still noticeable, follow these steps:

      1. Using a mouse or buttons on the keyboard, select the text or fragment, the distance between paragraphs in which you want to change.

      Select text in Word

      2. Call the group dialog box "Paragraph" By clicking on a small arrow, which is located in the lower right corner of this group.

      Paragraph Button in Word

      3. In the dialog box "Paragraph" which will open in front of you in the section "Interval" Set the necessary values "Front" and "After".

      Paragraph settings in Word

        Advice: If necessary, without leaving the dialog box "Paragraph" You can turn off the addition of intervals between paragraphs written in one style. To do this, check the box opposite the corresponding item.

        Tip 2: If you do not need intervals between paragraphs in general, for intervals "Front" and "After" Set values "0 PT" . If the intervals are needed, though minimal, set the value more 0.

      Changed Paragraph Settings in Word

      4. The intervals between paragraphs will change or disappear, depending on the values ​​you specified.

      Changed distance between paragraphs in Word

        Advice: If necessary, you can always set manually setting the intervals as default parameters. To do this, it is enough in the Paragraph dialog box to click on the corresponding button, which is located in its lower part.

      Parameters of paragraph default in Word

      Similar steps (call dialog box "Paragraph" ) You can do through the context menu.

      1. Highlight the text, the interval parameters between paragraphs in which you want to change.

      Select all text in Word

      2. Right click on the text and select "Paragraph".

      Calling the context menu in Word

      3. Set the necessary values ​​to change the distance between paragraphs.

      The window of changes in the parameters of the paragraph in Word

      Lesson: How to make indents in MS Word

      On this we can finish, because now you know how to change, reduce or remove intervals between paragraphs. We wish you success in the further development of the possibilities of a multifunctional text editor from Microsoft.

      Read more