Avira: The script error occurred on this page.


Logo error script in the program avira

Sometimes, Avira users, there are various problems in the work of the program. It will be about errors in scenarios. So, if you see the inscription when you start your favorite antivirus, you have an error of the script "or the script, which means that something went wrong. In most cases, such problems arise in damage to various program files.

How to fix the script error

1. To begin with, carefully read the message warned us about the problem. For example, we have a window with an inscription: Error script Avira. . How to eliminate the error without reinstalling the antivirus?

Error script in Avira

2. Often, the problem is damaged to the system file program. The first thing we need to do is display hidden and system folders. In Windows 7, go to any folder in the section "Sort" . Further "Folder and Search options".

Open hidden files and folders in Avira

3. We need tab "View" . In the list of properties that appeared, you must remove and add the options you want. Like on a picture.

Open hidden files and folders 2 in Avira

4. Now we can proceed to the search for an object with an error. For example, we see a window with the text: "Error script string 523 symbol 196" or "Error script string 452 Symbol 13" . In the URL field, the path of the file you need is displayed.

Search for a damaged file in Avira

5. We are looking for it in the computer. When the file is found, you need to clean its contents. These errors are given for example, you may have others, there are a lot of them.

Found damaged file in Avira

If the Clear file is not possible, and I don't want to reinstall the antivirus, then the user needs to contact Avira support. By the way, even as a result of reinstallation, the problem may remain if the removal was not correct. The best way to solve the problem is to remove aviu standard tools, then clean the computer from the garbage using special programs. Then you can install the application again. This is the most reliable and fast way to solve the problem.

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