How to record disk via nero



Although flash drives and disks are firmly entered into modern life, a huge number of users still actively use physical blanks for listening to music and movies. Reworked discs are also popular for transmitting information between computers.

The so-called "burning" of the disks is performed by special programs that are a huge amount in the network - both paid, and free. However, to achieve the highest possible result, only product proven products should be used. Nero - A program that almost every user knows about which at least once worked with physical disks. It can record any information on any disk quickly, securely and without errors.

This article will consider the functionality of the program in the Plan for recording various information on discs.

1. First, the program needs to download to the computer. From the official site after entering your postal address, the Internet boot is downloaded.

Loading Nero from the official site

2. The downloaded file after starting will start installing the program. This will require the use of Internet speed and computer resources, which can make simultaneous work behind it uncomfortable. Set aside the use of a computer for a while and wait for the program to complete the installation.

3. After Nero is installed, the program must be launched. After opening, the main menu of the program appears before us, from which the required subroutine is selected for working with disks.

Main menu Nero

4. Depending on the data that you want to write to the disk, the desired module is selected. Consider the subprogramm for recording projects on various types of discs - Nero Burning ROM. To do this, click on the appropriate tile and wait for the discovery.

5. In the drop-down menu, select the desired type of physical blank - CD, DVD or Blu-Ray.

Working with Nero Burning Rom

6. In the left column you need to choose the view of the project to be recorded, in the right setting the parameters of the recording and recorded disk. Press the button New To open the recording menu.

Working with Nero Burning ROM 2

7. The next step will be the choice of files that need to be recorded on the disk. Their size should not exceed the free space on the disk, otherwise the recording will fail and only ruptures the disk. To do this, in the right part of the window, select the necessary files and drag into the left field - to record.

Work with Nero Burning ROM 3

The band at the bottom of the program will show the recovery of the disk depending on the selected files and the volume of the memory of the physical media.

eight. After selecting files is complete, press the button Disc burn . The program will ask to insert a blank disk, after which the recording of the selected files will begin.

Work with Nero Burning ROM 4

nine. After the end of the burning of the disk at the output, we will get a qualitatively recorded disk that can be immediately used.

Nero provides the ability to quickly burn any files on physical media. Easy to use, but having a huge functionality - the program indisputable leader in working with disks.

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