How to emphasize the text in the Word: simple ways


How to emphasize the text in the Word

MS Word, like any text editor, has a large set of fonts in its arsenal. In addition, the standard set, if necessary, can always be expanded using third-party fonts. All of them differ visually, but in the very Word there are means to change the appearance of the text.

Lesson: How to add fonts in Word

In addition to the standard species, the font can be bold, italics and underlined. Just about the latter, namely, how in the Word, to emphasize the word, words or fragment of the text we will tell in this article.

Lesson: How to change the font in Word

Standard underline text

If you carefully look at the tools located in the "Font" group (Main tab), probably notice three letters there, each of which is responsible for the specific type of writing text.

J. - fat (bold);

To - italics;

H - underlined.

All these letters on the control panel are presented in the form in which the text will be written if you use them.

To emphasize already written text, highlight it, and then press the letter C. in a group "Font" . If the text is not yet written, press this button, enter the text, and then disconnect the underscore mode.

Select text in Word

    Advice: To emphasize the words or text in the document, you can also use a hot key combination - "Ctrl + U".

Note: Text underscore thus adds the bottom line not only under the words / letters, but also in spaces between them. In the Word, you can also separately emphasize words without spaces or gaps themselves. About how to do it, read below.

Emphasize the text in Word

Underline only words, without gaps between them

If you need to emphasize only words in the text document, leaving empty gaps between them, follow these steps:

1. Highlight the text fragment in which it is necessary to remove underscore in spaces.

Select text in Word

2. Expand the group dialog box "Font" (tab "Home" ) by clicking on the arrow in its right lower corner.

Window Font in Word

3. In the section "Underline" Set the parameter "Only words" and press "OK".

Menu Font in Word

4. The underscore will disappear in the gaps, the words will remain underlined.

Striving words without gaps in Word

Underline double trait

1. Select the text to be emphasized by a double feature.

Select text in Word

2. Open the group dialog box "Font" (how to do it is written above).

Menu Font in Word

3. In the Underlining section, select Double Damage and click "OK".

Font Double Damage in Word

4. Text underscore change.

Double-Fig Text in Word

    Advice: Similar actions can be done using the button menu "Underline" (C. ). To do this, click on the arrow near this letter and select a double line there.

Menu Buttons Underline in Word

Underscore gaps between words

The easiest way to make an underscore only in spaces - this is pressing the "lower underscore" key (the last butter key in the upper digital row, it is also a hyphen on it) with a preload button "SHIFT".

Note: In this case, the lower underscore is put instead of a space and will be on the same level with the lower edge of the letters, and not under them, as a standard underscore.

Stressing gaps in Word

However, it is worth noting that this method has one important disadvantage - the complexity of aligning the emphasis lines in some cases. One of the explicit examples is the creation of forms to fill. In addition, if you in MS Word activated an auto-format parameter for the author of the staling signs on the border line, pressing three and / or more times "SHIFT + - (Defis)" As a result, you will receive a line equal to the width of paragraph, which is extremely undesirable in most cases.

Lesson: Auto Plant in Word

The right solution in cases where it is necessary to emphasize the gap - this is the use of tabulation. You just need to press the key "TAB" And then emphasize the gap. If you want to emphasize the gap in a web form, it is recommended to use a blank cell of the table with three transparent boundaries and an opaque bottom. For more information about each of these methods, read below.

Lesson: How to make a table in word

We emphasize the gaps in the print document

1. Install the cursor pointer in the place where you need to emphasize the space and press the key. "TAB".

Place for an underlined Blank in Word

Note: Tabulation in this case is used instead of a space.

2. Turn on the display mode of hidden characters by clicking on the button located in the group "Paragraph".

Character Display Button in Word

3. Highlight the set tab of the tab (it will be displayed as a small arrow).

Tab sign in Word

4. Click the "Underline" button ( C. ) located in the group "Font" or use keys "Ctrl + U".

Stressed gap in Word

    Advice: If you want to change the underscore style, expand this key menu ( C. By clicking on the arrow near her, and choose the appropriate style.

5. The boss underscore will be installed. If necessary, do a similar action in other places of text.

6. Disconnect the display mode of hidden characters.

Text with underlined spaces in Word

We emphasize the gaps in the web document

1. Click the left mouse button in the place where you need to emphasize the space.

Place for Cell Table in Word

2. Go to the tab "Insert" and click "Table".

Table button in Word

3. Select a table size of one cell, that is, just click on the first left square.

Collect table in Word

    Advice: If necessary, change the size of the table by simply pulling out for its edge.

4. Click the left mouse button inside the added cell to display the mode of working with tables.

Cell added to Word

5. Click on this place right mouse and click on the button. "Borders" Where to select on the list "Borders and Pouring".

Border Button in Word

Note: In versions of MS Word until 2012 in the context menu there is a separate item "Borders and Pouring".

Borders and fill in Word

6. Go to the tab "The border" Where in the section "Type of" Choose "No" and then in the section "Sample" Select the table layout with the bottom limit, but without three others. In chapter "Type of" It will be shown that you have chosen the parameter "Other" . Click "OK".

Lower border in Word

Note: In our example, after performing the actions described above, the emphasis of the gap between the words is, to put it mildly, not in its place. You may also come across a similar problem. To do this, you will have to change the text formatting parameters.

Table Underline in Word


How to change the font in the Word

How to align text in the document

7. In the section "Style" (tab "Constructor" ) Select the desired type, color and thickness of the line, which will be added as an underscore.

Selection of styles in Word

8. To display the bottom limit, click in the group "View" Between the markers of the lower field in the figure.

    Advice: To display a table without gray borders (not displayed on print) Go to the tab "Layout" where in the group "Table" Select "Display the grid".

Note: If you need to enter an explanatory text before underlined, use a table in size in two cells (horizontal), making it transparent all boundaries of the first. Enter the necessary text in this cell.

9. The underlined gap will be added between the words in the selected location.

Lower emphasizing table in Word

A huge plus of this method of adding an underlined space is the ability to change the length of the underscore. It is enough just to highlight the table and pull it over the right edge on the right side.

Adding a curly underscore

In addition to the standard one or two lines of the lower underscore, you can also choose another style and color line.

1. Highlight the text to emphasize in a special style.

Select text in Word

2. Expand the button menu "Underline" (group "Font" ) by clicking on the triangle near her.

Styles underline in Word

3. Select the desired underscore style. If necessary, select Line color.

    Advice: If the template lines presented in the window are not enough, select "Other underscores" And try to find a suitable style there in the section "Underline".

Other styles of underscore in Word

4. Figured underlining will be added in accordance with your selected style and color.

Special stacking style in Word

Delete underscore

If you need to remove the word underscore, phrases, text or spaces, perform the same action as for adding it.

1. Highlight the underlined text.

Select text in Word

2. Click the button "Underline" in a group "Font" or keys "Ctrl + U".

    Advice: To remove underscore performed in a special style, button "Underline" or keys "Ctrl + U" You must click twice.

3. The underlining line will be deleted.

Underline removed in Word

That's all, now you know how to emphasize the word, text or gap between words in the Word. We wish you success in the further development of this program to work with text documents.

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