How to turn text in photoshop


How to turn text in photoshop

When creating various images in Photoshop, you may need to apply text at different angles. To do this, you can either rotate the text layer after it is created, or write the desired phrase vertically.

Transform ready-made text

In the first case, choose the tool "Text" And write the phrase.

Tool Text in Photoshop

We write the phrase in Photoshop

Then click on the layer with the phrase in the palette of the layers. At the same time, the name of the layer should change with "Layer 1" on "Hello World!".

Transforming text

Next, call "Free Transformation" (Ctrl + T. ). Frame appears on the text.

Transform text (2)

It is necessary to bring the cursor to the corner marker and ensure that it (cursor) will turn into an arc arrow. After that, the text can be rotated in any direction.

Rotation of text

In the screenshot of the cursor is not visible!

The second method is convenient if you need to write a whole paragraph with transfer and other charms.

Also choose the tool "Text" , then pushe the left mouse button on the canvas and create a selection.

Frame for text in photoshop

After the button is released, the frame will create, as "Free Transformation" . Inside it and writes text.

Frame for text in Photoshop (2)

Then everything happens just as in the previous case, only no additional actions do not need to produce. Immediately we take over the corner marker (the cursor must take the shape of the arc) and rotate the text as we need.

Frame for text in Photoshop (3)

We write vertically

In Photoshop there is a tool "Vertical text".

Vertical text in photoshop

It allows, respectively, writing words and phrases immediately vertically.

Vertical text in Photoshop (2)

With this type of text, you can produce the same actions as with horizontal.

Vertical text in photoshop (3)

Now you know how to turn words and phrases in Photoshop around your axis.

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