Unable to run a subscription to Adobe Photoshop CS5


Error Unable to run a subscription to Adobe Photoshop CS5 (3)

Errors arising from work with photoshop, there is a huge amount, but in this article we will talk about one appearing at the installation stage.

She sounds like this:

Unable to run a subscription on Adobe Photoshop

At the last stage of the installation of photoshop, we see such a window:

Error Unable to run a subscription to Adobe Photoshop CS5

Here we offer to enter the serial number of the product. After entering and pressing the button "Further" We see the following window:

Error Unable to run a subscription to Adobe Photoshop CS5 (2)

Create Adobe ID, or enter your account data and press again "Further" . And here it is a notorious mistake:

Error Unable to run a subscription to Adobe Photoshop CS5 (3)

Because of what it occurs? And everything is simple: the entered serial number does not belong to your Adobe ID account, or the serial number is not true.

To solve the problem, you will need to contact Adobe Support, but only if you have acquired this subscription (key) in a legitimate method.

If the program was downloaded from a third-party site, then no one will help you. You will have to look for another distribution with the serial number (which is illegal) or set the trial thirty-day version of the program.

The most correct option will be the launch of the program in the trial mode, since other methods of free use of the product can deliver a lot of trouble, up to criminal prosecution.

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