How to remove a note in the Word


How to remove a note in the Word

If you wrote some text in MS Word, and then sent it to another person to check (for example, editor), it is possible that this document will return to you from a different kind of fixes and notes. Of course, if there are errors or some inaccuracies in the text, they need to be corrected, but ultimately it will also be necessary to remove notes in the Word document. About how to do this, we will tell in this article.

Lesson: How to remove footnotes in Word

Notes can be represented in the form of vertical lines outside the text field, contain a lot of inserted, crossed, modified text. This spoils the appearance of the document, and can also change its formatting.

Lesson: How to align the text in the Word

The only way to get rid of notes in the text is to accept, reject them or delete.

Take to reject in word

Take one change

If you want to view the notes contained in the document one at a time, go to the tab "Review , click on the button "Further" located in the group "Changes" And then select the necessary action:

  • Accept;
  • Reject.

Button Next to Word

MS Word will make changes if you selected the first option, or delete them if you chose the second.

Take all changes

If you want to accept all changes at once, in the tab "Review in the button menu "Accept" Find and select "Take all fixes".

Take corrections in Word

Note: If you select "Without correction" In chapter "Go to review mode" You can see how the document will look after making changes. However, fixes will be hidden in this case temporarily. When you re-open the document, they will appear again.

Removing notes

In the case when notes in the document were added by other users (this was mentioned at the very beginning of the article) through the team "Take all changes" , notes themselves from the document will not disappear anywhere. Remove them as follows:

1. Click on notice.

2. The tab opens "Review in which you want to click on the button "Delete".

Delete Note in Word

3. The selected note will be deleted.

As you probably understood, thus you can remove notes one by one. To remove all notes, do the following:

1. Go to the tab "Review and expand the button menu "Delete" By clicking on the arrow under it.

2. Select "Delete Notes".

Delete all notes in Word

3. All notes in the text document will be deleted.

On this, actually, all, from this small article you learned how to remove all notes in the Word, as well as how to accept them or reject them. We wish you success in the further study and mastering the possibilities of the most popular text editor.

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