How to Clean Format in Word 2010


How to Clean Format in Word 2010

Each User of the MS Word office product perfectly knows about the wide opportunities and rich set of functions of this program, focused on working with text. Indeed, it has a huge set of fonts, formatting and various styles, designed to design text in the document.

Lesson: How in the Word format text

Document design is, of course, a very important thing, just sometimes before users there are a completely opposite task - to bring the text content of the file to its original form. In other words, it is required to remove formatting or clean the format, that is, "reset" the appearance of the text to its mind "by default". It is about how to do it, and will be discussed below.

1. Select all the text in the document ( Ctrl + A. ) Or use a mouse to highlight the text fragment, formatting in which you want to remove.

Select text in Word

Lesson: Hot keys in Word

2. In group "Font" (tab "Home" ) Press the button "Clear all formatting" (letter A with eraser).

Clear Formatting in Word

3. Formatting text will be reset to its initial value set to the default Word.

The format is purified in Word

Note: The standard type of text in different versions of MS Word may differ (first of all, due to the default font). Also, if you independently created a style for designing a document, choosing the default font by setting certain intervals, etc., and then saved these settings as standard (default) for all documents, the format will be reset to the parameters you specify. Directly in our example, a standard font is Arial, 12.

Lesson: How to change the firm interval in Word

There is another method with which you can clear the format in the Word, regardless of the version of the program. It is particularly effective for text documents that are not only written in various styles, with different formatting, but also have color elements, for example, a text background.

Formatting text in Word

Lesson: How to remove background for text in Word

1. Highlight the entire text or fragment, the format of which must be cleaned.

Select text in Word

2. Open the group dialog box "Styles" . To do this, press the small arrow located in the lower right corner of the group.

Style Button in Word

3. Select the first item from the list: "Clear all" And close the dialog box.

Clear everything in Word

4. Formatting text in the document will be reset to the standard.

The format is purified in Word

On this, everything from this small article you learned how to remove text formatting in the Word. We wish you success in further studying the limitless features of this advanced office product.

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