Safe Android Mode


How to enable and disable secure android mode
Not everyone knows, but on Android smartphones and tablets there is the ability to run in safe mode (and those who are known, as a rule, face it by chance and are looking for ways to remove safe mode). Serves this mode, as in one popular desktop OS, to eliminate faults and errors caused by applications.

In this manual, step by step on how to enable and disable secure android mode devices and how it can be used to troubleshoot problems and errors in your phone or tablet.

  • How to enable secure android mode
  • Use secure mode
  • How to Disable Safe Mode on Android

Enabling secure mode

On most (but not all) devices on Android (versions from 4.4 to 7.1 at the current time) to enable the secure mode, it is enough to perform the following steps.

  1. On the phone is enabled or tablet, press and hold the power button until the menu appears with the "Disable" options, "Restart" and other or the only "Disable power" item.
    Reload Android in safe mode
  2. Press and hold the "Turn off" or "Disable power" item.
  3. A request will appear, which in Android 5.0 and 6.0 looks like "Go to Safe Mode. Go to secure mode? All applications of third-party suppliers are disconnected. "
    Confirm the download of Android in safe mode
  4. Click "OK" and wait for it, and then re-loading the device.
  5. Android will be restarted, and at the bottom of the screen you will watch the inscription "Safe Mode".
    Android is launched in safe mode

As noted above, this method works for many, but not all devices. Some (especially Chinese) devices with highly modified versions of Android cannot be loaded into safe mode in this way.

If you have this situation, try the following ways to run the safe mode using the key combination while the device is turned on:

  • Turn off the phone or tablet fully (hold the power button, then "turn off the power"). Turn it on and immediately when switching on (usually, there is vibration), press and hold both volume buttons before downloading.
  • Turn off the device (completely). Turn on and when the logo appears, clamp the volume button. Hold until the download is complete. (on some samsung galaxy). At Huawei, you can try the same thing, but to press the volume button immediately after the device is started.
  • Similar to the previous method, but hold the power button before the manufacturer's logo appears, immediately when you appear, and at the same time press and hold the volume button (some Meizu, Samsung).
  • Fully turn off the phone. Turn on and immediately after this hush the power keys simultaneously and reduce the volume. Release them when the phone's manufacturer's logo appears (on some ZTE Blade and other Chinese).
  • Similar to the previous way, but hold the power keys and reduce the volume before the menu appears from which to select the SAFE MODE item using the volume buttons and confirm the download in the safe mode by briefly pressing the power button (on some LG and other brands).
  • Start to turn on the phone and when the logo appears, the reduction button simultaneously and increase the volume. Hold them before loading the device in safe mode (in some old phones and tablets).
  • Turn off the phone; Turn on and hold the "Menu" button when loading on those phones where such a hardware key is present.

If no way helps, try searching for the "SAFE MODE Device Model" search, it is quite possible on the Internet there is an answer (requesting in English, since in this language is more likely to get the result).

Use secure mode

When you download Android in a safe mode, all applications you have installed are disabled (and re-enabled after disconnecting the secure mode).

In many cases, only this fact is enough to unambiguously establish that problems with the phone are called by third-party applications - if in a safe mode you do not have these problems (no errors, problems when the Android device is quickly discharged, the impossibility of launching applications, etc. .), Now follow the safe mode and alternately disable or delete third-party applications before identifying the problem that causes the problem.

Note: If third-party applications are not deleted as usual, then there should be no problems in safe problems as they are disabled.

If the problems that caused the need to start a secure mode on Android remain in this mode, you can try:

  • Clear cache and problem data applications (settings - applications - select the desired application - storage, there - clear the cache and erase the data. Start it is just with cache cleaning without deleting data).
    Clearing cache and data in safe mode
  • Disable applications that call errors (Settings - Applications - Select Application - Disable). This is not impossible for all applications, but for those with which you can do it is usually completely safe.
    Disable applications in safe mode

How to Disable Safe Mode on Android

One of the most frequent questions of users is related to how to get out of the secure mode on android devices (or remove the inscription "Safe Mode"). This is, as a rule, with the fact that the input to it is accidentally by turning off the phone or tablet.

Almost all Android devices disabling the safe mode is very simple:

  1. Press and hold the power button.
  2. When the window appears with the "Disable power" or "Turn off", click on it (if you have to "restart" item, you can use it).
    Exit the safe android mode
  3. In some cases, the device immediately reboots in normal mode, sometimes after shutdown, it is necessary to turn it on to manually so that it starts in the usual mode.

From alternative options for reloading Android to exit the secure mode, only one is known to me - on some devices you need to hold and hold the power button before and after the window appears with items to shut down: 10-20-30 seconds until it turns off. After that, you will need to turn on the phone or tablet again.

It seems that it's all on the topic of the safe android mode. If there are additions or questions - you can leave them in the comments.

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