How to hide stories in instagram


How to hide stories in instagram

Option 1: Hiding someone else's story

To hide user stories, you are subscribed to update, you will have to use the parameters of a specific recording or common more flexible settings on the Account page. The result will be identical in both cases.

Method 2: Subscription Settings

In part, as an alternative to the first option, as well as in case, at the time of action, the user simply has not published any history, you can use subscription settings. Moreover, in this case, the parameters allow you to get rid of storage by saving other records.

  1. In any convenient way, go to the account of the desired person and tap the subscription button. In the pop-up window, go to the "Hide" subsection.
  2. Go to the subscription settings on the user page in Instagram

  3. Use the slider opposite the stories item to enable the hide of the corresponding content, and simply close the settings. After that, the record will be automatically excluded from the tape.
  4. Hiding other stories through subscription settings in Instagram

    You can find locked users in the "Hidden Accounts" section in privacy parameters. However, to cancel the changes made in any case, every profile will have to visit.

Option 2: Hiding its history

You can also protect your own viewing content with unwanted users using internal settings in several sections of the application. Whatever ways you prefer, each solution will require an account selection for which stories will be hidden.

Method 1: Subscription Settings

If you need to hide the storage from a particular user, the easiest way to do this through additional settings on the account page. Note that all stories will be hidden in this way without the possibility of any filtration.

  1. Being on the page of the desired person, tap the icon with three vertical points in the corner of the screen. After that, in the pop-up window, use the "Hide My Study" option.
  2. Transition to hiding your stories through subscription settings in Instagram Appendix

  3. Implement the procedure using the "Hide" button in a new window. As a result, each existing or new record will stop displaying for the selected user.
  4. Hiding your stories through subscription settings in Instagram

    Cancel changes in the same way through the profile menu. Also, do not forget that other subscribers may well send your content to partially blocked people.

Method 2: View History

Limit access to Storsith For immediately a large number of users, you can via the settings available when viewing any fresh publication of the corresponding variety. In this case, as well as in other options in question, the parameters will be applied immediately to all records.

  1. On the main page of the application, tap the last published history and when viewing, click the "..." button in the lower right corner of the screen. Through the menu presented, go to the "History Settings" section.
  2. Go to the settings of its history in Instagram

  3. As part of the block "Hide my story from" tap "0 people" inscription, where other users can be as the first value. After that, to hide the content, install the checkboxes next to each desired person, if necessary, using the search field.
  4. Hiding its history in Instagram

    There are no restrictions on the number of quantities here, you can block any users of users. Manual saving new parameters is not required, it will be enough just to leave the settings.

Method 3: Account Settings

Perform a similar task, as in the previous method, through the confidentiality settings of the account. This is able to help in cases where you want to hide the content immediately upon publication.

  1. Using the bottom panel in a mobile application, go to the profile view and open the main menu in the upper right corner of the screen. Here at the very end of the list, expand the "Settings".
  2. Go to section with settings in Instagram Appendix

  3. From the general list of parameters, select "Privacy" and subsequently find the item "History" within the "Interaction" block.
  4. Go to confidential confidential settings in Instagram Appendix

  5. On the next screen, by analogy with the second way, the signature "0 person" should be touched in the "Hide my story" subsection and select the necessary users. Each marked person will not be able to browse your old or fresh storage.
  6. Hiding its stories through confidential settings in Instagram

    In complete, we note that the "closed account" can be an excellent means to hide the stories, as it allows you to restrict access for all users missing in subscribers. However, this applies not only to the Storsis, but also on any other records.

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