iTunes: Unknown Error 1


iTunes: Unknown Error 1

When working with the iTunes program, absolutely any user can suddenly encounter an error in the program. Fortunately, each error has its own code that indicates the cause of the problem. This article will talk about a common unknown error with code 1.

Faced with an unknown error with code 1, the user should say that there are problems with software. To solve this problem, there are several ways that will be discussed below.

How to eliminate error with code 1 in iTunes?

Method 1: iTunes Update

First of all, you need to make sure that the latest version of iTunes is installed on your computer. If updates for this program are detected, they will be required to be installed. In one of our past articles, we have already been talking how to search for updates for iTunes.

See also: How to update iTunes on your computer

Method 2: network status check

As a rule, error 1 occurs during the update or restore apple device. During the execution of this process, the computer must necessarily provide a stable and uninterrupted Internet connection, because before the system will install the firmware, it must be downloaded.

You can check the speed of your Internet connection on this link.

Method 3: Cable Replacement

If you use a non-original or damaged USB cable for connecting a device with a computer, be sure to replace it with a whole and necessarily original.

Method 4: Using another USB port

Try connecting your device to another USB port. The fact is that the device can sometimes conflict with ports on a computer, for example, if the port is located in front of the system unit, built into the keyboard or use USB-hub.

Method 5: Loading another firmware

If you are trying to install the firmware on the device, which previously downloaded on the Internet, you will need to double-check the download, because You could accidentally download the firmware inappropriate to your device.

You can also try to download the desired firmware version from another resource.

Method 6: Disabling antivirus programs

In rare cases, error 1 can call protective programs installed on your computer.

Try to pause all anti-virus programs, restart iTunes and check for errors 1. If the error disappears, then you will need to add iTunes to an exclusion settings.

Method 7: Reinstall iTunes

In the final way, we suggest you to reinstall iTunes.

Pre-iTunes must be removed from the computer, but it should be done completely: remove not only mediacombine itself, but also other Apple programs installed on the computer. We were talking about this more about this in one of the past articles.

See also: How to completely remove iTunes from a computer

And only after you delete iTunes from a computer, you can start installing a new version, after downloading the program distribution from the official website of the developer.

Download iTunes program

As a rule, these are basic ways to eliminate an unknown error with code 1. If you have your own methods of solving the problem, do not be lazy to tell about them in the comments.

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