iTunes: 4005 Error


iTunes: 4005 Error

Like any other program for Windows, iTunes is not protected from various problems in operation. As a rule, each problem is accompanied by an error with its unique code, which allows it much easier to identify. About how to fix the error 4005 in iTunes, read in the article.

Error 4005 occurs, as a rule, in the process of updating or restoring the Apple device. This error tells the user about the critical problem in the process of performing an update or restore Apple device. The causes of this error can be somewhat, respectively, and solutions will also be different.

Methods for elimination of error 4005

Method 1: Restarting devices

Before proceeding with more radical ways to solve a 4005 error, you will need to restart the computer, as well as the Apple device itself.

And if the computer needs to be restarted in normal mode, the Apple device will need to restart forcibly: To do this, simultaneously hold on the power and "home" key. After approximately seconds, 10 will turn off the device, after which you need to wait for its download and repeat the recovery procedure (update).

iTunes: 4005 Error

Method 2: iTunes Update

Outdated version of iTunes can easily cause critical errors, because of which the user will encounter a 4005 error. In this case, the solution is simple - you need to check iTunes for updates and, if they are detected, set.

See also: How to update iTunes on your computer

Method 3: Substitution of USB Cable

If you use a non-original or damaged USB cable, it must be replaced. This concerns even certified Apple cables, because Practice has repeatedly showed that they may incorrectly work with Apple devices.

Method 4: Restore via DFU mode

DFU mode is a special APPLE device emergency mode that is used to restore when serious problems occur.

In order to restore the device via DFU, you will need to completely disable it, and then connect to the computer using a USB cable and run on the iTunes computer.

Now you need to perform a combination on the device that will allow you to enter the device in the DFU. To do this, find the power button on your device for 3 seconds, and then, without releasing it, clamp the "Home" key and hold both buttons for 10 seconds. Release the power key. Continue to keep home until your device detect itunes.

iTunes 4005 Error

A message appears on the screen, as in the screenshot below, in which you need to run the recovery procedure.

iTunes 4005 Error

Method 5: Complete reinstalling iTunes

ITunes can work on your computer incorrectly in connection with which it may be necessary to fully reinstall the program.

First of all, iTunes will need to be completely removed from the composter, capturing not only mediacombine itself, but also other components from Apple installed on the computer.

See also: How to completely remove iTunes from a computer

And only after you delete iTunes from a computer, you can start it with a new installation.

Download iTunes program

Unfortunately, not always the error 4005 may occur due to the program part. If no method helped to eliminate the error 4005, it is worth suspection of hardware problems that can be concluded, for example, in troubleshooting the device battery. Only the service center specialist after the diagnostic procedure will be able to accurately determine the exact reason.

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