How to make footer in Word: detailed instructions



Handers in MS Word are an area located at the top, from below and on the sides of each page of a text document. A text or graphic images that, by the way, can always be changed, can be contained in footer. This is the part (part) of the page where you can enable page numbering, add a date and time, company logo, specify the name of the file, author, the name of the document or any other data necessary in a particular situation.

In this article we will tell about how to insert footer in Word 2010 - 2016. But, the instruction described below will also be applicable to the earlier versions of the office product from Microsoft

In text documents, Word has ready-made footers that can be added to pages. In the same way, you can change the existing or create new top and bottom footers. Using the following instructions, you can add elements such as file name, page numbers, date and time, document name, data about the author, as well as other information.


Adding finished footers

1. Go to the tab "Insert" , in a group "Footer" Choose which footer you want to add - upper or lower. Click on the appropriate button.

2. In the unfolded menu, you can choose the finished (template) footer of the appropriate type.


3. The pages of the document will be added footer.


    Advice: If necessary, you can always change the formatting text containing in a footer. This is done in the same way as with any other text in Word, with the difference only in the fact that the main content of the document should be active, but the field of footers.


Adding a custom footer

1. In group "Footer" (tab "Insert" ), Which footer you want to add - bottom or top. Click on the corresponding button on the control panel.


2. In the expanded menu, select item "Change ... footer".


3. The sheet will appear on the sheet. In a group "Insert" which is in the tab "Constructor" You can choose what you want to add to the footer area.


In addition to the standard text, you can add the following:

  • express blocks;

  • drawings (from hard disk);

  • Images from the Internet.


Note: Created footer can be saved. To do this, highlight its contents and click on the control panel "Save the selected fragment as a new ... footer" (It is previously necessary to deploy the menu of the corresponding footer - upper or lower).


Lesson: How to insert an image in Word

Add different columns for the first and subsequent pages

1. Double-click on the head of the head on the first page.


2. In the section that opens "Work with footers" A tab will appear "Constructor" , in it, in the group "Options" Near item "Special footer for the first page" You should install a tick.


Note: In case this tick has already been installed, you do not need to remove it. Immediately go to the next action.

3. Delete the contents of the region "Upper footer of the first page" or "Low header of the first page".


Adding different columns for odd and even pages

In some types of documents, it may be necessary to create different columns on odd and even pages. For example, the document header can be specified on some, and on others - the headline of the chapter. Or, for example, for brochures, you can make it so that the number on the odd pages to be on the right, and on the even - on the left. If such a document is printed on both sides of the sheet, page numbers will always be located near the edges.

Lesson: How to make a booklet in the Word

Adding different columns on the page pages on which there are no footers yet

1. Click the left mouse button on the odd page of the document (for example, the first).


2. In the tab "Insert" Select and click "Page header" or "Footer" located in the group "Footer".


3. Select one of the suitable layouts that the phrase is present in the name "Odd footer".


4. In the tab "Constructor" that appeared after selecting and adding footer, in a group "Options" , opposite item "Different columns for even and odd pages" Install a tick.


5. Do not leaving the tabs "Constructor" , in a group "Transitions" click "Forward" (In the old versions of MS Word, this item is called "Next section" ) - This will move the cursor to the equal footer area.


6. In the tab "Constructor" in a group "Footer" click "Footer" or "Page header".

7. In the deployed menu, select the keyboard layout, the name of which contains the phrase. "Once page".


    Advice: If necessary, you can always change the text format, which is contained in footer. To do this, a sufficiently double click open to edit the footer and use standard formatting tools available in the default Word. They are in the tab "Home".

Lesson: Formatting in Word.

Adding different columns on the pages of the document in which there are also footers

1. Double-click the left button on the head of the footer on the sheet.


2. In the tab "Constructor" Opposite item "Different columns for even and odd pages" (group "Options" ) Install the checkbox.


Note: The existing footer will now be located only on odd or only on even pages, depending on which one you started the setting.


3. In the tab "Constructor" , group "Transitions" , click "Forward" (or "Next section" ) So that the cursor moves to the next (odd or even) page. Create a new footer for the selected page.


Add different columns for different chapters and sections

Documents with a large number of pages, which may be scientific dissertations, reports, books, are often divided into sections. The capabilities of the MS Word program allow you to do different columns with different contents for these sections. For example, if the document in which you work is divided into the heads of partitions, then in the top footer of each chapter, you can specify its name.

How to find a break in the document?

In some cases, it is unknown whether the discharge document contains. If you do not know this, you can search them for what you need to do the following:

1. Go to the tab "View" and turn on the viewing mode "Draft".


Note: By default, the program opened mode "Page Markups".

2. Return to the tab "Home" and click "Go" located in the group "Find".


Advice: You can also use keys to perform this command. "Ctrl + G".

3. In the dialog that opens, in the group "Transition Objects" Choose "Chapter".


4. To find partition breaks in a document, simply click "Further".

Note: View Document In Chernovka mode, it simplifies the visual search and viewing partition breaks, making them more visual.

If the document with which you work is not yet broken into partitions, but you want to make different columns for each chapter and / or partition, add partition breaks manually. How to do it is written in the article on the link below.

Lesson: How to numbered pages

After adding partitions to the document, you can proceed to add the corresponding footers to them.

Adding and configuring different columns using partition breaks

Sections for which the document is already broken can be used to configure footers.

1. Counting from the beginning of the document, click on the first section for which you want to create another footer. This may be, for example, the second or third section of the document, its first page.

2. Go to the tab "Insert" where select the top or bottom footer (group "Footer" ), Just pressing one of the buttons.


3. In the expanded menu, select the command "Change ... footer".


4. In the tab "Footer" Find and click "As in the previous" ("Tie with the previous" In older versions of MS Word), which is located in the group "Transitions" . This breaks the connection with the current document columns.

5. Now you can change the current footer or create a new one.

6. In the tab "Constructor" , group "Transitions" , in the unfolding menu, click "Forward" ("Next section" - in older versions). This will move the cursor to the following section head.

7. Repeat Step 4 To break the link of the heads of this section with the previous one.


8. Change the header or create a new one for this section if necessary.

7. Repeat steps 6 - 8. For other sections in the document, if any.


Adding the same footer immediately for several sections

Above, we told about how to do various columns for different sections. In the same way in the Word, you can do the opposite - use the same footer in several different sections.

1. Click twice along the footer, which you want to use for several partitions to open the mode of working with it.

2. In the tab "Footer" , group "Transitions" , click "Forward" ("Next section").

3. In the opened footer, click "As in the previous section" ("Tie with the previous").

Note: If you are using Microsoft Office Word 2007, you will be prompted to remove existing footers and create communication with those belong to the previous section. Confirm your intentions by clicking the button "Yes".

Change the contents of the footer

1. In the tab "Insert" , group "Running title" , Select a head, the contents of which you want to change - upper or lower.


2. Click on the appropriate footer button and select the command to select the command "Change ... footer".


3. Select the text of the footer and make the necessary changes (font, size, formatting) using the built-in Word program.


4. Having completed the change of footer, click on the leaf workspace twice to disable edit mode.


5. If necessary, in exactly the same way to change other footers.


Add page number

Using footers in MS Word, you can add page numbering. About how to do this, you can read in the article below:

Lesson: How to numbered pages

Adding file name

1. Install the cursor in the part of the footer, where you want to add a file name.


2. Go to the tab "Constructor" located in the section "Work with footers" , then click "Express blocks" (group "Insert").


3. Select "Field".


4. In the dialog box that appears in front of you, in the list "Fields" Select "FileName".


If you want to enable the path in the file name, click on the tick "Add path to file name" . You can also choose a column format.


5. The file name will be indicated in footer. To leave the edit mode, double-click on the empty area on the sheet.


Note: Field codes can see each user, so before adding to a footer something except the document name, make sure that this is not the information that you would like to hide from readers.


Adding the name of the author, titles and other properties of the document

1. Install the cursor in the place of footer where you want to add one or more document properties.


2. In the tab "Constructor" Press "Express blocks".


3. Select "Document Properties" , and in the unfolded menu, select which of the properties presented you want to add.


4. Select and add the required information.


5. Click on the leaf work area twice to leave the edit mode of the footer.


Adding current date

1. Install the cursor in the place of footer, where you want to add the current date.


2. In the tab "Constructor" Press the button "Date and time" located in the group "Insert".


3. In the list that appears "Available formats" Select the desired date writing format.


If necessary, you can also specify time.


4. The data you entered will appear in footer.


5. Close the edit mode by clicking on the appropriate button on the control panel (tab "Constructor").


If you do not need footers in Microsoft Word, you can always delete them. About how to do this, you can read in the article below below:

Lesson: How to remove footer in the Word

On this, everything, now you know how to add footers in MS Word, how to work with them and change them. Moreover, now you know how you can add practically any information to the column area, starting on behalf of the author and page numbers, ending with the name of companies and by way to a folder in which this document is stored. We wish you productive work and only positive results.

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