How to download music on the iPhone without iTunes


How to download music on the iPhone without iTunes

Users, first faced with Apple's products, are in a light bewilderment, for example, when working with the iTunes program. Due to the fact that IOS is very different from other mobile platforms, users regularly have questions how this or that task can be implemented. Today we will try to consider in detail how the iPhone you can download music without using the iTunes program.

You probably know that the Apple gadgets on the computer requires the use of iTunes. Given the closing of iOS, downloading music to the device without using this program is problematic.

How to download music on the iPhone without iTunes?

Method 1: Buying music in iTunes Store

One of the biggest music online stores iTunes Store implies that Apple products will be here to acquire all the necessary music.

It must be said that the prices in this store to music are more than humans, but, in addition, in addition you acquire several significant advantages:

  • All purchased music will be only yours, and can be used on all Apple devices, where you have logged in to your Apple ID account;
  • Your music can be both downloaded to the device and be in the cloud, so as not to occupy a limited place on the device. Given the development of the mobile Internet, this method of storing music has become most attractive to users;
  • In connection with the tightening of measures to combat piracy, this method of obtaining music on its iPhone is most preferred.

How to download music on the iPhone without iTunes

Method 2: Loading music in cloud storage

For the current day there is a huge number of cloud services, each of which tries to attach new users with additional gigabytes of cloudy space and interesting "chips".

For example, given the development of mobile Internet, high-speed 3G and 4G networks are available to users literally for a penny. Why not use and not listen to music through any cloudy storage you used?

For example, cloud storage Dropbox. It has a simple, but convenient miniber, through which you can listen to all your favorite music.

See also: How to use Dropbox cloud storage

How to download music on the iPhone without iTunes

Unfortunately, taking into account the closure of the IOS platform, you will not be able to save the musical collection to the device for offline listening, which means there will be constant access to the network.

Method 3: Loading music through special music applications

Apple is actively fighting with piracy, in connection with which the App Store is more difficult to find musical services that would allow you to download music to the device absolutely free.

However, wanting to download music to the device for offline listening, you can find conditionally free services, such as the application "Music. Volkontakte", which is an official solution from the social network VKontakte.

Download app music. Vontakte

How to download music on the iPhone without iTunes

The essence of this application is that it allows you to listen to all the music from the social network VKontakte for free (online), however, if you needed to download music to a listening device without access to the Internet, 60 minutes of musical ether will be available for you. To extend this time, you will need to purchase a subscription.

It is worth noting, as in other similar services, the music stored for offline listening, is not stored in the standard Music application, and in a third-party application itself, from which the download was performed. Such a situation consists with other similar services - Yandex.Music, Deezer Music and the like.

If you have your own options for downloading music to Apple-device without the participation of iTunes program, share your knowledge in the comments.

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