How to use Aytyuns on a computer


How to use Aytyuns on a computer

The iTunes program is a popular mediacombine, the main task of which is to manage Apple devices from a computer. At first, almost every new user has difficulty using some program functions.

This article is a guide on the basic principles of using the iTunes program, having studied which you can fully start using the mediacombine.

How to install iTunes on a computer

Using iTunes on the computer starts with the program installation. In our article, we consider in detail how the program is properly installed on a computer that will avoid the likelihood of problems when starting and work.

How to install iTunes on a computer

How to register in iTunes

If you are a new Apple devices, then you will need to register an Apple ID account, the entrance to which will be performed on both the computer and all gadgets. Our article tells in detail not only how Apple ID registration is performed, but and how can I create an account without binding to the bank card.

How to register in iTunes

How to upgrade iTunes on computer

Any program installed on the computer requires timely update. By installing new updates for iTunes, you can avoid many problems in the program.

How to upgrade iTunes on computer

How to authorize the computer in iTunes

One of the most significant advantages of Apple is a high level of user data security. That is why access to information simply cannot be obtained, pre-authorized the computer in iTunes.

How to authorize the computer in iTunes

How to synchronize iPhone, iPod or iPad with iTunes

The main task of iTunes is the synchronization of Apple devices with a computer. Our article is dedicated to this issue.

How to synchronize iPhone, iPod or iPad with iTunes

How to cancel the purchase in iTunes

iTunes Store is the most popular store of various media content. It contains a huge library of music, movies, books, applications and games. However, not always the purchase can fit your expectations, and if she disappointed you, simple actions will allow you to return money for the purchase.

How to cancel the purchase in iTunes

How to cancel subscription in iTunes

Every year, Apple is increasingly expanding subscription services, since this is the most accessible way to access, for example, to an extensive music library or a large number of available locations in the icloud cloud storage. However, if you are not so difficult to connect the subscription to the services, then it is already necessary to tinker with the disconnection.

How to cancel subscription in iTunes

How to add music from a computer in iTunes

Before your music turns out to be on your Apple devices, it must be added from the computer to iTunes.

How to add music from a computer in iTunes

How to create a playlist in iTunes

Playlists are music or video playback lists. Our article tells in detail how the music playlist can be created. By analogy, you can create a playlist with video recording.

How to create a playlist in iTunes

How to add music to iPhone through iTunes

By adding music to the iTunes media, users tend to copy it to their Apple devices. It is this topic that the article is dedicated.

How to add music to iPhone through iTunes

How to make ringtone in iTunes

Unlike other mobile platforms, for iOS, it is impossible to immediately put any song as a ringtone, since it must be prepared. About how the ringtone is created in the iTunes program, and then copied to the device, it is described in our article.

How to make ringtone in iTunes

How to add sounds in iTunes

Sounds, they are ringtones, have certain requirements, without complying with which they cannot be added to iTunes.

How to add sounds in iTunes

How to update the iPhone through iTunes

Apple is famous for providing the longest support for its devices. So, using the iTunes program, you can easily install the most relevant firmware for each of your gadget.

How to update the iPhone through iTunes

How to restore iPhone through iTunes

In the event of problems in the work of Apple devices or to prepare for sale, using iTunes the so-called recovery procedure is carried out, which completely deletes the settings and content from the device, and also re-installs the firmware on it (and, if necessary, updates).

How to restore iPhone through iTunes

How to remove music with iPhone through iTunes

If you decide to clean the music list on your iPhone, then our article will tell you in detail not only how this task can be done via iTunes, but also through the Apple device itself.

How to remove music with iPhone through iTunes

How to remove music from iTunes

If you needed to remove music not from an apple gadget, but from the iTunes program itself, this article will allow you to implement this task.

How to remove music from iTunes

How to add a movie in iTunes from a computer

Although iTunes cannot be called a functional media player, quite often users use this program to view the video on the computer. In addition, if you needed to transfer the video to the Apple device, then the execution of this task begins precisely from adding video to iTunes.

How to add a movie in iTunes from a computer

How to copy video on iPhone, iPod or iPad via iTunes

If the music can be copied to an Apple device from the iTunes program and without any instructions, then when copying the video, some nuances must be taken into account.

How to add a movie in iTunes from a computer

How to make backup iPhone in iTunes

The iTunes program applies to users and to create and store backups. In case of problems with the device or when switching to a new gadget, you can easily restore all the information from the preset backup.

How to make backup iPhone in iTunes

How to remove photos from iPhone via iTunes

On the apple device, users tend to store a huge number of pictures and other images. How can they be removed from the device through the computer, tells our article.

How to remove photos from iPhone via iTunes

How to throw a photo from the iPhone to the computer

Having made a large number of pictures, they are not at all necessary to store on your iPhone when they can be transferred to a computer at any time.

How to remove photos from iPhone via iTunes

How to completely remove iTunes from a computer

In the event of problems with the iTunes program, one of the most popular recommendations is to reinstall the program. With full removal of the program, it is necessary to observe some nuances that are described in our article.

How to completely remove iTunes from a computer

If, after studying this article, you have questions about using iTunes program, ask them in the comments.

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