How to change the author Word document



Every time you create a new text document in MS Word, the program automatically sets a number of properties for it, including the name of the author. The "Author" property is created based on the user information, which is displayed in the "Parameters" window (previously "Word Settings"). In addition, the user's available information is also a source of name and initials that will be displayed in corrections and comments.

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Note: In new documents, the name that is displayed as property is displayed. "Author" (shown in document information), taken from the section "Username" (window "Options").

Changing the "author" property in a new document

1. Press the button "File" ("Microsoft Office" earlier).


2. Open the section "Options".


3. In the window that appears in the category "General" (previously "main") in the section "Personal Setup Microsoft Office" Set the desired username. If this is required, change the initials.


4. Click "OK" To close the dialog box and accept changes.


Changing the "Author" property in the existing document

1. Open the section "File" (formerly "Microsoft Office") and click "Properties".


Note: If you use the outdated version of the program in the section "MS Office" First you need to choose item "Prepare" and then go to "Properties".


    Advice: We recommend updating Word using our instructions.

Lesson: How to update Word

2. From the drop-down menu, select "Additional Properties".


3. In the window that opens "Properties" in field "Author" Enter the necessary name of the author.


4. Click "OK" To close the window, the name of the author of the existing document will be changed.


Note: If you change the properties section "Author" In the existing document in the field of information about it, it will not affect the user information that is displayed in the menu. "File" section "Options" and in the shortcut panel.

Here, in fact, all, now you know how to change the name of the author in a new or already existing document Microsoft Word.

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