How to block a site in Yandex browser


Locking sites in Yandex.Browser

Sometimes Yandex users have a need for blocking certain sites. It may occur for a number of reasons: for example, you want to protect the child from certain sites or want to block access to some social network where you spend a lot of time.

Block the site so that it cannot be opened in Yandex.Browser and other web browsers, in different ways. And below we will tell about each of them.

Method 1. With extensions

For browsers on the Chromium engine, a huge number of extensions have been created, thanks to which you can turn the usual web browser to the invaluable tool. And among these extensions, you can find those blocking access to certain sites. The most popular and proven among them is the BLOCK SITE extension. In his example, we will look at the process of blocking extensions, and you have the right to choose between this and other similar extensions.

First of all, we need to establish an extension to your browser. To do this, go to the online store of Google extensions at this address:

In the search bar, we prescribe Block Site, in the right part in the section " Extensions "We see the application you need, and click" + Install».

Installing Block Site in Yandex.Browser

In the window with a question about installing click " Install the extension».

Installing Block Site in Yandex.Browser-2

The installation process will begin, and upon its completion in the new tab of the browser, a notification with gratitude to the installation will appear. Now you can start using Block Site. To do this, click Menu > Supplements And we go down at the bottom of the page with additions.

In the block " From other sources »We see Block Site and click on the button" More details ", And then on the button" Settings».

Settings Block Site in Yandex.Browser

In the open tab, all available settings for this expansion will appear. In the very first field, write or insert the page address to lock, and then click on the button " Add page " If you wish, you can enter the second field website to which the expansion will be redirected if you (or someone else) tries to go to the locked site. By default redirects Google search engine, but you can always change it. For example, to redirect to the site with the training material.

Site blocking in Yandex.Browser

So, let's try to block the website, which many of us takes too much time.

Blocked site in Yandex.Browser

As we see, now he has fallen into the list of blocked and, if you wish, we can set redirection or delete it from the lock list. Let's try to go there and get this warning here:

Warning of the site blocking in Yandex.Browser

And if you are already on the site and decided that you want to block it, it can be done even faster. Click in any empty location of the site right-click, select Block Site. > Add current website blacklist.

Quick Lock Site in Yandex.Browser

Interestingly, extension settings help flexibly configure blocking. In the left extension menu, you can switch between settings. So, in the block " Blocked words »You can customize the blocking of sites by keywords, such as" funny video "or" VC ".

You can also adjust the blocking time in detail in the block " Activity by day and time " For example, from Monday to Friday, the selected sites will be unavailable, and on the weekend you can use them at any time.

Method 2. Windows tools

Of course, this method is far from being as functional as the first, but it is perfect for a quick blocking or blocking the site not only in Yandex.Browser, but in all other web browser-installed computer. Block sites We will be through the Hosts file:

1. We pass along the way C: \ Windows \ System32 \ DRIVERS \ ETC And we see the Hosts file. We are trying to open it and get an offer to choose the program to open the file. We choose the usual " Notebook».


2. In the document that opens, we prescribe at the very end of the line by type of this:

Site blocking through hosts

For example, we took the website, entered this line of the latter and saved the modified document. Now we try to go to the locked site, and that's what we see:

Blocked site through hosts

The hosts file blocks access to the site, and the browser gives an empty page. You can return access by removing the sign registered and saving the document.

We talked about two ways to block sites. Installing the expansion in the browser is effective only if you use one browser. And those users who want to block access to any site in all browsers can take advantage of the second way.

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