Guest Account in Windows 10


How to create a guest account in windows 10
The Guest Account in Windows allows you to provide temporary access to the computer to users without the ability to install and delete programs, change the settings, install equipment, and open applications from the Windows 10 store. Also, with guestship, the user will not be able to view files and folders, Located in user folders (documents, images, music, downloads, desktop) other users or delete files from Windows system folders and Program Files folders.

In this instruction, step by step are described two simple ways to enable guest account in Windows 10, taking into account the fact that recently the built-in guest "Guest" has stopped working in Windows 10 (starting from the assembly 10159).

Note: To limit the user to a single application, use the Windows 10 kiosk mode.

Enabling the user Guest of Windows 10 using the command line

As noted above, the inactive account "Guest" is present in Windows 10, but does not work as it was in previous versions of the system.

It can be enabled in several ways, such as Gpedit.msc, "Local Users and Groups" or Net User Command Guest / Active: Yes - In this case, it will not appear on the login screen, but will be present in the switching of users of the Start of other users ( Without the possibility of entering the guest, when you try to do this, you will return to the login screen).

Activation of built-in account guest

Nevertheless, Windows 10 has been preserved the local group "Guests" and it is operational, so as to include a guest account (however, it will not be possible to call it "Guest", since this name is employed for the built-in account), will be required Create a new user and add it to the guest group.

The easiest way to do is use the command line. Steps to enable recording Guest will look like this:

  1. Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator (see how to run the command line on the administrator name) and in order, use the following commands by pressing ENTER after each of them.
  2. NET User user_name / add (here and further user_name - anyone except "Guest", which you will use for guests, in my screenshot - "Guest").
  3. NET LocalGroup Users username / delete (Delete a newly created account from the local group "Users". If you have an initially English version of Windows 10, then instead of users write users).
  4. NET LocalGroup Guests user_name / Add (add a user to the "Guests" group. For English-language version We write Guests).
    Adding an account Guest in the command prompt

Ready, on this guest account (or rather - the account you created with the guest's rights) will be created, and you can enter Windows 10 under it (when you first log in to the system, user parameters will be configured).

How to add a guest account to "Local Users and Groups"

Another way to create a user and enable guest access to it, suitable only for versions of Windows 10 professional and corporate - using the tool "Local Users and Groups".

  1. Press the Win + R keys on the keyboard, enter Lusrmgr.msc in order to open "local users and groups".
  2. Select the "Users" folder, right-click in the empty place of the user list and select the New User menu item (or use the same item in the "Additional Actions" panel to the right).
    Creating a user Guest in user management
  3. Specify the name for the user with guests (but not "guest"), the remaining fields are not necessary, click the "Create" button, and then "close".
    Account Name Guest
  4. In the list of users, click on the newly created user twice and in the window that opens, select the "Group Membership" tab.
  5. Select "Users" in the list of groups and click Delete.
    Removing a guest from group Users
  6. Click the Add button, and then in the "Select Selectable Object Names" field, enter guests (or Guests for English version Windows 10). Click OK.
    Adding a guest to a group Guests Windows 10

At this, the necessary steps are completed - you can close "local users and groups" and enter the guest account. At the first entrance, some time will take the settings for the new user.

Additional Information

Account problems Guest in Windows 10

After entering the guest account, you can notice two nuances:

  1. That is what the appearing message that ONEDRIVE cannot be used with a guest account. Solution - Remove ONEDRIVE from autoload for this user: Right click on the "Clouds" icon in the taskbar - Parameters - Settings tab, remove the automatic launch mark when you enter Windows. It can also be useful: how to disable or delete ONEDRIVE in Windows 10.
  2. Tiles in the Start menu will look like "Down Arrows", sometimes replacing the inscription: "There will soon be a great application." This is due to the inability to install applications from the Guest store. Solution: Right click on each such tile - to discover from the initial screen. As a result, the Start menu may seem too empty, but you can fix it by changing its size (the edges of the Start menu allow you to change its size).

That's all, I hope the information was sufficient. If some additional questions remained - you can ask them below in the comments, I will try to answer. Also, in terms of limiting the rights of users, the Parental Control of Windows 10 may be useful.

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