Infinity Sign in Word


Infinity Sign in Word

Microsoft Word's active users know about the set of characters and special signs contained in the arsenal of this wonderful program. All of them are in the window "Symbol" Located in the tab "Insert" . This section presents a really huge set of characters and signs, conveniently sorted by groups and topics.

Lesson: Inserting characters in the Word

Every time the need arises to put any sign or a symbol that is missing on the keyboard, know, you need to search for it. "Symbol" . More precisely, in the submenu of this section, called "Other characters".

Lesson: How to Insert Delta Sign in Word

A huge selection of signs is, of course, well, that's just in this abundance it is sometimes very difficult to find what you need. One of these characters is the sign of infinity, about the insertion of which we will tell in the Word document.

Using code to insert infinity sign

It's good that Microsoft Word developers not only integrated a lot of signs and symbols into their office, but also endowed each of them special code. Moreover, often these codes are even two. Knowing at least one of them, as well as a key combination that converts this very code into a lined symbol, you can work in the Word much faster.

Digital code

1. Install the cursor in the place where infinity sign should be, and clamp the key. "ALT".

Place for sign in Word

2. Not releasing the key, on the numeric keypad dial the numbers "8734" without quotes.

3. Release the key "ALT" The sign of infinity will appear in the specified location.

Infinity Sign in Word

Lesson: Inserting a phone sign in Word

Hex code

1. In a place where infinity sign should be, enter the code in English layout "221E" without quotes.

Sign code in Word

2. Press the keys "Alt + X" To convert the entered code as a sign of infinity.

Infinity Sign Added to Word

Lesson: Insertion of the sign "Cross in Square" in the Word

This is so easy to put infinity sign in Microsoft Word. Which of the above methods to choose, to solve you, the main thing is that it is convenient and promptly.

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