Avast does not start: causes and solution


Avast does not start

The AVAST program is deservedly considered one of the best and most stable free antiviruses. Nevertheless, problems also happen in her work. There are cases when the application simply does not start. Let's figure out how to solve this problem.

Disable protection screens

One of the most common reasons why anti-virus avast protection is not launched is to disable one or more program screens. The shutdown could be made by randomly pressing, or a failure in the system. There are also cases when the user has turned off the screens, since sometimes some programs require it when they are installed, and then forgot about it.

If the defense screens are disabled, a white cross appears on the Avast icon in the tray on a red background.

Problems with the work of antivirus avast

To troubleshoot the problem, click right-click on the Avast icon in the tray. In the menu that appears, select the "Avast screens" item, and then click on the "Enable All Screens" button.

Enable Avast Protection Screens

After that, the defense should turn on, as will indicate the disappearance of the cross from the avast icon in the tray.

Antivirus Avast works fine

Viral Attack

One of the signs of viral attack on a computer can be the impossibility of including antiviruses on it, including Avasta. This is a protective reaction of viral applications that seek to protect themselves from removing antivirus programs.

In this case, any antivirus installed on the computer becomes useless. To search and remove viruses, you need to use the utility that does not require installation, such as Dr.Web Cureit.

Select objects to check

And even better, scan the hard disk of the computer from another unimpressed device. After detecting and removing the virus, the Avast antivirus should start.

Critical failure in the work of Avast

Of course, the problems in the work of Antivirus Avast happen quite rarely, but, nevertheless, due to a viral attack, power failure, or another substantial cause, the utility may be seriously damaged. Therefore, if the first two ways described by us, the problem of eliminating the problem did not help, or the Avast icon does not even appear in the tray, then the most correct decision will be reinstalled by the anti-virus program.

For this, you first need to complete the removal of the avast antivirus with the subsequent registry cleaner.

Defending the removal avast

Then, install the AVAST program on the computer again. After that, problems with the launch, in most cases disappear.

Start installation of antivirus avast

And, be sure, do not forget to scan the computer for viruses.

Operating system failure

Another reason for which the antivirus may not be launched - this is a failure of the operating system. This is not the most common, but most complex and comprehensive problem with the inclusion of avast, the elimination of which depends on the causes of the occurrence and the depth of the OS defeat.

Most often, it is still possible to eliminate, throwing out the system to an earlier point of recovery when it still worked fine. But, in particularly difficult cases, a complete reinstalling OS is required, and even replacing the elements of the computer hardware.

As you can see, the degree of complexity of solving a problem with the inability to launch Avast antivirus, first of all, depends on the causes of the occurrence that can be very diverse. Some of them are eliminated by literally two mouse clicks, and others will have to be thoroughly tinker.

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