How to change the color of the table in Word


How to change the color of the table in Word

The standard gray and non-visual view of the table in Microsoft Word will suit not every user, and it is not surprising. Fortunately, the developers of the world's best text editor understood this initially. Most likely, that is why in the Word there is a large set of tools for changing tables, means for changing color, too, among them.

Lesson: How to make a table in word

Looking ahead, let's say that in the Word you can change not only the color of the borders of the table, but also their thickness and appearance. All this can be performed in one window, which we will tell below.

1. Highlight the table whose color you want to change. To do this, click on the small plus card in the square located in its upper left corner.

Select table in Word

2. Call the context menu on the selected table (right click on the mouse) and click "Borders" , in the drop-down menu of which you want to select the parameter "Borders and Pouring".

Borders and Pouring Tables in Word

Note: In earlier versions of Word item "Borders and Pouring" It is contained immediately in the context menu.

3. In the window that opens in the tab "The border" in the first section "Type of" Select "Net".

Border window and fill in Word

4. In the next section "Type of" Install the appropriate border line type, its color and width.

Choosing a border type in Word

5. Make sure in section "Apply to" Selected "Table" and press "OK".

6. The color of the borders of the table will be changed according to the parameters you selected.

Color Tabils Changed in Word

If you, as in our example, completely changed the table of the table, and its inner boundaries, although changed the color, did not change the style and thickness, you need to turn on the display of all boundaries.

1. Highlight the table.

Select table in Word

2. Click the button "Borders" located on the shortcut panel (tab "The main" , Tool group "Paragraph" ) and select item "All borders".

All borders in Word

Note: Similar can be done through the context menu caused on the selected table. To do this, click the button. "Borders" and choose in its menu item "All borders".

3. Now all the boundaries of the table will be performed in a single style.

Changed the color of all borders of the table in Word

Lesson: How to hide the borders of the table in the Word

Using template styles to change table color

You can change the color of the table and using embedded styles. However, it is worth understanding that most of them change not only the color of the borders, but also the entire appearance of the table.

Styles of tables in Word

1. Select the table and go to the tab "Constructor".

Select table in Word

2. Select the appropriate style in the toolbar "Tables styles".

Selection of table styles in Word

    Advice: To see all styles, click "More"
    located in the lower right corner of the window with standard styles.

3. Table color, like its appearance, will be changed.

Table style is changed in Word

That's all, now you know how to change the color of the table in the Word. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. If you often have to work with tables, we recommend reading our article about their formatting.

Lesson: Formatting tables in MS Word

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