How to sign a table in the Word


How to sign a table in the Word

If a text document contains more than one table, they are recommended to sign. This is not only beautiful and understandable, but also in terms of the correct paperwork, especially if it is planned to publish. The presence of a signature to the drawing or table gives the document a professional look, but this is not the only advantage of this approach to design.

Lesson: How to put a signature in the Word

If the document has several tables with the signature, they can be added to the list. This will significantly simplify navigation throughout the document and items that are contained. It is worth noting that Add Signature in Word is not only available to the entire file or table, but also to the drawing, diagram, as well as a number of other files. Directly in this article we will talk about how to insert the text of the signature before the table in the Word or immediately after it.

Lesson: Navigation in Word.

Signature Insert for Existing Table

We strongly recommend avoiding manual signing of objects, whether it is a table, drawing, or any other element. Functional sense from the string of the text added manually, there will be no. If it is an automatically inserted signature, which allows you to add a Word, it will add simplicity and convenience to work with the document.

1. Highlight the table to which you want to add a signature. To do this, click on the pointer located in its upper left corner.

Select table in Word

2. Go to the tab "Links" and in the group "Name" Press the button "Insert the name".

button insert name in Word

Note: In earlier versions of Word to add the name, you must go to the tab "Insert" and in the group "Link" Press the button "Name".

3. In the window that opens, install a check mark in front of the item. "Eliminate the signature from the title" and enter in the string "Name" After the digit signature for your table.

Window Title in Word

Note: Tick ​​from point "Eliminate the signature from the title" need to be removed only if the standard name type "Table 1" You are not satisfied.

4. In the section "position" You can choose the position of the signature - above the selected object or under the object.

Name position in Word

5. Click "OK" to close the window "Name".

6. The table name will appear in the location you specified.

Signature Tables Added to Word

If necessary, it can be completely changed (including the standard signature in the title). To do this, click on the text of the signature and enter the necessary text.

In addition, in the dialog box "Name" You can create your standard signature for a table or any other object. To do this, click on the button. "Create" And enter a new name.

New title

Pressing the button "Numbering" in the window "Name" You can specify the numbering parameters for all tables that you will be created in the current document.

Numbering names

Lesson: Row numbering in Table Word

At this stage, we looked at how to add a signature to a specific table.

Automatic signature insert for tables created

One of the many advantages of Microsoft Word is that in this program it can be done so that when inserting any object to a document, directly above it or under it will be added a signature with the sequence number. This, as the usual signature, discussed above, will be added. Not only on the table.

1. Open the window "Name" . To do this in the tab "Links" in a group "Name »Press the button "Insert the name".

button insert name in Word

2. Click on the button "Automation".

Window Title in Word

3. Scroll through the list "Add a name when inserting an object" and install a tick opposite the item "Microsoft Word Table".

Automation in Word.

4. In the section "Parameters" Make sure that in the item menu "Signature" Installed "Table" . In point "Position" Select the type of signature position - above the object or under it.

5. Click on the button "Create" And enter the necessary name in the window that appears. Close the window by pressing "OK" . If necessary, configure the numbering type by clicking on the appropriate button and making the necessary changes.

New title

6. Tap "OK" For closing the window "Automation" . Similarly close the window "Name".

Close Window Automation in Word

Now every time you insert a table into a document, above it or under it (depending on the parameters you have chosen), the signature you created will appear.

Automatic table signature in Word

Lesson: How to make a table

Repeat that in a similar way you can add signatures to drawings and other objects. All that is required for this, select the appropriate item in the dialog box "Name" or specify it in the window "Automation".

Lesson: How to add signature to the drawing

On this we will finish, because now you know exactly how in the Word you can sign the table.

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