Firefox is not updated. We solve the problem


Firefox is not updated. We solve the problem

Mozilla Firefox is a popular cross-platform web browser, which is actively developing, in connection with which users with new updates receive various improvements and innovations. Today, we will consider an unpleasant situation when the Firefox user faces that the update is failed.

The "update failed" error is a fairly common and unpleasant problem, on the occurrence of which various factors can affect. Below, we will consider the basic ways that can help you solve the problem with installing updates for the browser.

Methods for troubleshooting Firefox update

Method 1: manual update

First of all, faced with a problem when updating Firefox, you should try to install a fresh version of Firefox over the already existing (the system will update, the entire information accumulated information will be saved).

To do this, you will need to download the Firefox distribution kit below the link below and, without deleting the old browser version from the computer, start it and install it. The system will perform an update, which, as a rule, is completed successfully.

Download Mozilla Firefox Browser

Method 2: Restart Computer

One of the most common reasons for Firefox cannot be installed update is a computer failure, which is usually easily solved by a simple reboot of the system. To do this, click on the button. "Start" And in the right left right corner, select the power icon. The additional menu will pop up on the screen in which you need to select item. "Reboot".

Firefox is not updated. We solve the problem

As soon as the reboot is completed, you will need to run Firefox and check for updates. If you try to install updates after rebooting, it must be completed successfully.

Method 3: Receiving admin rights

It is possible that to install Firefox updates you lack administrator rights. To fix it, click on the browser label with the right mouse button and in the pop-up context menu, select item. "Run on the name of the administrator".

After performing these simple manipulations, try to install updates for the browser.

Method 4: Closing Conflicting Programs

It is possible that the Firefox update cannot be completed due to conflicting programs that work at the moment on your computer. To do this, run the window "Task Manager" Combination of keys Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC . In block "Applications" Displays all current programs running on the computer. You will need to close the maximum number of programs by right-clicking on each of them and selecting item. "Remove the task".

Firefox is not updated. We solve the problem

Method 5: Reinstalling Firefox

As a result of the system failure or action of other programs on a computer, the Firefox browser can work incorrectly, as a result of which it may be necessary to complete a web browser reinstalling to solve the update problems.

First you need to completely remove the browser from the computer. Of course, it is possible to remove the standard way through the menu "Control Panel" But, using this method, an impressive number of unnecessary files and records in the registry will remain on the computer, which in some cases can lead to the incorrect operation of the new Firefox version installed on the computer. Our article on the link below described in detail how the Firefox is completely removed, which will delete all the browser-related files without residue.

How to completely remove Mozilla Firefox from a computer

And after deleting a browser will be completed, you will need to restart the computer and install the new version of Mozilla Firefox by downloading the latest web browser distribution required from the developer's official website.

Method 6: Check for viruses

If no method described above has not helped solve the problems associated with updating Mozilla Firefox, it is worth suspection on a computer viral activity that blocks the correct operation of the browser.

In this case, you will need to check the computer for viruses using your antivirus or a special attending utility, for example, Dr.Web Cureit, which is available for download absolutely free and does not require installation on a computer.

Download Dr.Web Cureit utility

If, as a result of scanning, viral threats were discovered on the computer, you will need to be eliminated, and then reboot the computer. It is possible that after eliminating viruses, Firefox will not be normalized, since the viruses could already disrupt its correct operation, because of which you may need to reinstall the browser, as described in the last method.

Method 7: System Restore

If the problem associated with the Mozilla Firefox update has arisen relatively recently, and before everything worked fine, then you should try to restore the system, throwing out the computer to the moment when the Firefox update was performed normally.

To do this, open the window "Control Panel" And set the parameter "Small badges" which is located in the upper right corner of the screen. Go to the section "Recovery".

Firefox is not updated. We solve the problem

Open section "Running system recovery".

Firefox is not updated. We solve the problem

After hitting the system recovery menu, you will need to select a suitable recovery point, the date of which coincides with the period when the Firefox browser worked fine. Run the recovery procedure and wait for it.

As a rule, these are the main methods that allow you to eliminate the problem with the Firefox update error.

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