How to disable Google Chrome updates


How to disable Google Chrome updates
The Google Chrome browser installed on the computer automatically checks and downloads updates if you have. This is a positive factor, however, in some cases (for example, very limited traffic), the user may need to disable the automatic updates of Google Chrome and, if such an option was provided in the browser parameters, then in the latest versions - no longer.

In this manual - ways to disable Google Chrome updates in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7 in different ways: first we can completely disable Chrome updates, the second is to make the browser to do not perform the search (and, accordingly, installing updates automatically, but could install them When you need. You may be interested in: The best browser for Windows.

Fully disable Google Chrome browser updates

The first method is the easiest for the novice user and completely blocks the ability to update Google Chrome until you cancel the changes made.

Steps to disconnect updates in this way will be the following

  1. Go to the Google Chrome browser folder - C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Google \ (or C: \ Program Files \ Google \)
  2. Rename inside the Update folder in anything else, for example, in Update.old
    Rename Update folder

On this, all the actions are completed - updates will not be able to install neither automatically nor manually, even if you go to "Help" - "About Google Chrome browser" (this will be displayed as an error about the inability to check for updates).

Unable to update Google Chrome

After completing this action, I also recommend entering the task scheduler (start typeing in the Windows 10 taskbar or in the Windows 7 Planner menu), after which you turn off the googleupdate tasks there, as in the screenshot below.

Turn off Google Update Tasks

Disable Automatic Google Chrome Updates using registry editor or gpedit.msc

The second way to set up Google Chrome updates is official and more complicated, described on the page, I will only post it more understandable for an ordinary Russian-speaking user.

You can disable Google Chrome updates in this method using the Local Group Policy Editor (available only for Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10 Professional and above) or using the registry editor (available for other OS editor).

Disabling updates using the Local Group Policy Editor will consist of the following steps:

  1. Go to the Google website specified on the Google website and download the archive with the ADMX policy policy templates in the "Obtaining the Administrative Template" section (second item - Download The Administrate Template In ADMX).
  2. Unpack this archive and copy the contents of the GoogleUpdateadmx folder (not the folder itself) to the C: \ Windows \ PolicyDefinitions folder \
    Installing the Admx Template Google Update
  3. Run the local group policy editor, for this press the Win + R keys on the keyboard and enter the gpedit.msc
  4. Go to Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Google - Google Update - Applications - Google Chrome
    Google Chrome Update Politics
  5. Double-click on the Allow Installation parameter, set it to "disabled" (if this is not done, then the updates can still be installed in the "brawser"), apply the settings.
  6. Double-click the Update Policy Override parameter, set "Enabled" to it, and set "Updates Disabled" in the Policy field (or, if you want to continue to update with manual check in "About the browser", set the value "MANUAL UPDATES ONLY") . Confirm the changes.
    CHROME Update Disabled in Politics

Ready, after this update will not be installed. Additionally, I recommend removing the "GoogleUdate" tasks from the task scheduler, as described in the first method.

If the editor of the local group policy is not available in your system edition, you can disable Google Chrome updates using the registry editor as follows:

  1. Run the registry editor for which you press the Win + R keys and enter the regedit and then press ENTER.
  2. In the Registry Editor, go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ POLICIES section, create within this part (clicking on the policies right-click), Google subsection, and inside it - Update.
  3. Inside this section, create the following DWORD parameters with the following values ​​(below the screenshot all parameter names are given in the form of text):
    Disable Google Chrome updates in the Registry Editor
  4. AutoupDateCheckPeriodMinutes - Value 0
  5. DisableAutoupDateCheckscheckboxValue - 1.
  6. Install {8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96} - 0
  7. Update {8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96} - 0
  8. If you have a 64-bit system, do items 2-7 in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Wow6432Node \ Wow6432Node \ Policies section

You can close the registry editor and at the same time delete GoogleUpdate tasks from the Windows job scheduler. In the future, the chrome update should not be installed, unless you cancel all the changes you make.

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