Commission and limits in Yandex Money


Commissions and limits in Yandex money logo

As in any payment system, there are commissions and limits in Yandex money. In this article we will tell about the limitations and number of money that takes the system for their services.

Commissions in Yandex Money

Most payments carried out in Yandex money are carried out without commissions. So, you can shop, pay for services and taxes at their real prices. The Yandex Commissions concern some situations.

1. Maintenance of an electronic wallet, which is not used for more than 2 years, will cost you 270 rubles per month. The amount will be written off from the account. A month before the onset of two years since the last payment, the system will send a letter with a warning. This subscription fee can be delayed for 3 months. With regular use of the wallet in Yandex money, the Commission is not charged.

2. Replenishment of the wallet using a bank card in the Yandex Money menu provides a commission of 1% of the deposit amount. At the same time, if you replenish your account in the ATMs of Sberbank, MTS Bank, the Golden Crown and some other banks, the Commission will be 0%. We bring to your attention a list of ATMs that are available to replenishment without commissions. Also, you can be replenished with the help of Internet banking Sberbank online, Alpha Click and Raffaisenbank.

See also: How to replenish your wallet in Yandex Money

3. When replenishing the balance of cash in Sberbank Terminals, Euroset and Svyaznoy, the Commission is absent. Other points can assign a commission at their discretion. List of terminals with zero committee.

4. Replenishment of the BILINE mobile account, megaphone and MTS will cost 3 rubles regardless of the amount. The Commission will not be written off if you activate automatic account replenishment.

5. Payment of receipts is carried out with a commission of 2%. Payment of traffic police penalties - 1%.

6. Withdrawal of cash with a plastic card Yandex Money and repayment of loans provides a commission of 3% of the amount + 15 rubles.

7. Commission for transferring money to another Yandex Wallet - 0.5%, from the wallet to the card - 3% + 45 rubles, transfer to WebMoney - 4.5% (available to identified users)

Limits in Yandex Money

The limiting principles in the Yandex Money system are based on the status of the wallet. Statuses can anonymous, registered and identified. The magnitude of the status and, accordingly, the limit depends on how fully information about yourself is provided by the system.

More details: Yandex Wallet Identification

1. Regardless of the status you can replenish your wallet from a bank card, with the help of ATMs, terminals, translation systems for no more than 15,000 rubles at a time (100,000 rubles per day, 200,000 per month)

2. Limits during payments are set according to the status of the wallet:

  • Anonymous - no more than 15,000 at once when paying from the wallet. When paying the card - no more than 20,000 per day (up to 15 payments), up to 1000,000 per month;
  • Name - up to 60,000 at once when paying from the wallet. When paying the card - no more than 20,000 per day (up to 15 payments), up to 1000,000 per month;
  • Identified - up to 250,000 at once when paying from the wallet. When paying the card - no more than 40,000 per day (up to 15 payments), up to 1000,000 per month.
  • 3. Limits for mobile communication:

  • Anonymous and nominal - 5,000 at a time;
  • Identified - 15,000.
  • 4. The limit on receipts is up to 15,000 rubles from any wallet for one operation. Up to 100,000 per month.

    5. Fines in the traffic police - 15,000 per surgery, up to 100,000 per month and up to 300,000 per year.

    6. Repayment of loans provides limit on one fee of 15,000 for all users. When paying from anonymous and nominal, the daily limit of 300,000 rubles is valid. For identified - 500,000.

    7. Limits for transfer to another wallet:

  • from nominal - 60,000 per translation, up to 200,000 per month;
  • With identified - 250,000 per translation, up to 600,000 per month.
  • See also: How to use Yandex Money

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