How to remove avatar in Skype


Avatar in the Skype program

Avatar in Skype is intended to ensure that the interlocutor visually more clearly represented, with which person he is talking. Avatar can be, both in the form of photography and a simple picture, through which the user expresses its individuality. But, some users, to ensure the maximum level of privacy, over time decide to remove photos. Let's figure out how to remove the avatar in the Skype program.

Is it possible to remove avatar?

Unfortunately, in the new versions of Skype, unlike the previous ones, the removal of avatar is impossible. You can only replace it with another avatar. But, replacing your own photo to the standard Skype icon, denoting the user, and can be called avatar. After all, such an icon has all users who have not downloaded their photo, or another original image.

User without Avtar in Skype

Therefore, below we will just talk about the photo replacement algorithm (avatar) of the user on the standard Skype icon.

Replacement search for avatar

The very first question that rises when replacing the avatar on the standard image: Where to get this image?

The easiest way: just to drive into image search in any search engine "Standard Skype Avatar" expression, and from search results download it to your computer.

Standard Skype Avatar in the search engine

Also, you can open the contact details of any user without avatar by clicking on its name in contacts, and selecting the "View Personal Data" item in the menu.

View user data in Skype

Then make a screenshot of his avatars, typing the Alt + PRSCR keyboard on the keyboard.

Screenshot of the Avtrah in Skype

Insert a screenshot into any image editor. Cut from there a character for avatar.

Cut the Skype avatar in a graphic editor

And save it to the hard disk of the computer.

Saving Skype Avatar in a graphic editor

However, if it is not fundamentally useful to use a standard image, you can instead of avatar, insert a black square image, or any other picture.

Algorithm for removal avatar

To remove the avatar, we tear off the menu section, which is called "Skype", and then we follow the "Personal data" subsections and "change my avatar ...".

Transition to Avatar Change in Skype

Three ways of replacing the avatar appear in the window that opens. In order to delete an avatar, we will use the way to install the image saved to the computer hard disk. Therefore, click on the "Overview ..." button.

Transition to Skype avatar search on hard disk

A conductor window opens, in which we must find a pre-prepared image of the standard Skype icon. We highlight this image and click on the "Open" button.

Opening the replacement of avatar for Skype

As you can see, this image fell into the Skype window. In order to remove the avatar, press the "Use this image" button.

Using the standard image instead of avatar in Skype

Now, instead of avatar, a standard image of Skype is installed, which is displayed from users who have never installed an avatar.

Avatra in Skype removed

As we can see, despite the fact that the Skype program does not provide a removal function installed by the avatar, using some tricks, still can be replaced with a standard image that indicates users in this application.

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