How to remove Skype and install a new


Delete and install Skype

With different problems in the work of the Skype program, one of the frequent recommendations is to delete this application, and then install the new version of the program. In general, this is not a difficult process with which even newcomer should understand. But sometimes emergency situations occur, which make it difficult to delete or install the program. Especially often it happens if the removal or installation process was forcibly stopped by the user, or interrupted as a result of a sharp power break. Let's figure out what to do if there are problems with the removal or installation of Skype.

Skype Removal Problems

In order to reinstate yourself from any surprises, the Skype program should be closed before uninstallation. But, this is still not a panacea with problems with the removal of this program.

One of the best tools that solves problems with the deletion of various programs, including Skype, is the Microsoft Fix IT ProgramInstallUnStall application. You can download this utility on the official developer website - Microsoft.

So, if, when removing Skype, various errors pop up, run the Microsoft Fix program. Initially, a window opens in which we must agree with the license agreement. Click the "Accept" button.

Adoption of the MICROSOFT FIX IT ProgramInstallUnStall Program

After that, the installation of troubleshooting means should be installed.

Installing the Microsoft Fix IT ProgramInstallunInstall

Next, a window opens where you need to solve which option to use: entrust the basic trouble correction solutions, or do it manually. The latter option is recommended to choose only very advanced users. So we choose the first option, and click on the "Research Problems and Set Fix" button. This option, by the way, is recommended by developers.

Transition to the identification of problems in Skype using the Microsoft Fix IT ProgramSinstallUnStall program

Next, the window opens where we have to specify what we have a problem with installing, or with the removal of the program. Since the problem is removed, then click on the appropriate inscription.

Transition to identifying problems with the removal of programs in Microsoft Fix IT PrograminstallUnInstall

Next, the hard disk of the computer is scanned, during which the utility receives data about applications installed on the computer. Based on this scan, a list of programs is formed. We are looking for in this list the Skype program, mark it, and click the "Next" button.

Select Skype Program in Microsoft Fix It PrograminstallUnInstall

Then, the window opens in which the utility offers to remove Skype. Since this is the purpose of our actions, click on the "Yes, try to delete".

Next, Microsoft Fix IT makes a complete deletion of Skype program along with all user data. In this regard, if you do not want to lose your correspondence, and other data, you should copy the% AppData% \ Skype folder, and save the hard disk elsewhere.

Removal with third-party utilities

Also, in the event that Skype does not want to be deleted, you can try to uninstall this program forcibly with third-party utilities that are specifically designed for these tasks. One of the best such programs is the Uninstall Tool application.

Like last time, first of all, close the Skype program. Next, run Uninstall Tool. We are looking for the list of programs that opens immediately after starting the utility, the Skype application. We highlight it, and click on the "Uninstall Tool" button on the left part of the Uninstall Tool window.

Starting Skype uninstall in Uninstall Tool

After that, the Windows default uninstaller dialog box is launched. In it asks if we really wish to remove Skype? Confirm this by clicking the "Yes" button.

Confirmation of the desire to uninstall Skype

After that, the procedure for removing the program with standard methods is performed.

Removing Skype standard methods

Immediately after its end, Uninstall Tool starts scanning the hard disk for the presence of Skype residues in the form of folders, individual files, or records in the system registry.

Scanning Utility Uninstall Tool for Skype residues

After the scan end, the program gives the result which files remained. To destroy residual elements, click on the "Delete" button.

Run Removing Skype Skype Utility Uninstall Tool

Forced removal of Skype residual elements is performed, and if it was impossible to uninstall the program itself, it is removed and it is removed. If any application blocks the removal of Skype, Uninstall Tool asks to restart the computer, and during the reboot, deletes the remaining items.

The only thing you need to take care of how and the last time is about the preservation of personal data, before the start of the removal procedure, by copying the% AppData% \ Skype folder to another directory.

Skype Installation Problems

Most problems with installing Skype are connected with incorrect deletion of the previous version of the program. You can correct it using the same Microsoft Fix IT ProgramInstallUnStall utility.

At the same time, even perform almost the same sequence of actions as the previous time until we reach the list of installed programs. And here it may be a surprise, and the Skype list may not be. This is due to the fact that the program itself was uninstalled, and the installation of the new version interferes with its residual elements, such as records in the registry. But what to do in this case, when there are no programs in the list? In this case, you can perform a complete deletion of the product code.

To find out the code, go to the file manager at C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data \ Skype. A directory opens, viewing which we need to separately write the names of all folders consisting of a consistent combination of alphabetic and digital characters.

Skype folders

Following this, open the folder at C: \ Windows \ Installer.

Folder Installer

We look at the name of the folders located in this directory. If some name repeats what we have previously discharged, then you cry. After that, we have a list of unique items.

Return to the Microsoft Fix IT PrograminstallUnStall program. Since the Skype names we cannot find, we choose the item "not in the list", and click the "Next" button.

No programs list in Microsoft Fix it PrograminsTallUnInstall

In the next window, we enter one of those unique codes that remained not crossed out. Again, press the "Next" button.

Select the program on the code in Microsoft Fix IT PrograminsTallunInstall

In the window that opens, as the last time, confirm the readiness to delete the program.

Such an action must be performed as many times as you have left unique non-crossed codes.

After that, you can try to install Skype standard methods.

Viruses and Antivirus

Also, the Skype installation can block malicious programs and antiviruses. To find out if there is a malicious program on a computer, we run the scanning of the anti-virus utility. It is advisable to do it from another device. In case of detection of the threat, remove the virus or we treat the infected file.

Scanning Viruses in Avast

If incorrect setup, antiviruses can also block the installation of various programs, including Skype. To install this, temporarily disconnect the anti-virus utility, and try to install Skype. Then, do not forget to turn on the antivirus.

Enable Avast Protection Screens

As you can see, there are a number of reasons that cause a problem with the deletion and installation of the Skype program. Most of them are related or with the incorrect actions of the user itself, or with the penetration of viruses on the computer. If you do not know the exact reason, you need to try more and above the specified methods until you receive a positive result, and you will not be able to make the right action.

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