Why Skype does not accept files


Transfer files in Skype

One of the most popular capabilities of the Skype application is the function of receiving and transfer files. Indeed, very convenient during the text conversation with another user, immediately transmit the necessary files to it. But, in some cases, there are failures and this function. Let's deal with why Skype does not accept files.

Crowded hard drive

As you know, the filed files are stored not on Skype servers, but on hard disks of user computers. So, if Skype does not accept files, then perhaps your hard drive is full. In order to check it out, go to the Start menu, and select the "Computer" parameter.

Go to Computer section

Among the disks represented, in the window that opens, pay attention to the status of the C disk, because it is on it that Skype stores user data, including received files. As a rule, on modern operating systems it is not necessary to carry out any additional actions to see the total volume of the disk, and the amount of free space on it. If there is very little free space, then for receiving files from Skype, you need to delete other files you do not need. Or clean the disk, a special cleaning utility, such as CCleaner.

Free disk space

Anti-virus and firewall settings

With certain settings, the anti-virus program or firewall can block some skype functions (including receiving files), or limit the pass of information on the port number that uses Skype. As an additional ports, Skype uses - 80 and 443. To find out the main port number, open the "Tools" menu sections alternately and "Settings ...".

Go to Skype settings

Next, go to the settings section "Advanced".

Go to section additionally in Skype

Then, we move to the "Connection" subsection.

Switch to Connection Settings in Skype

It is there, after the words "use the port", the number of the main port of this Skype instance is specified.

The number of the port used in Skype

Check if the above ports are not blocked in the anti-virus program or firewall, and in case of blocking detection, open them. Also, note that the actions of the Skype program itself are not blocked specified by the applications. As an experiment, you can temporarily disable the antivirus, and check if Skype can, in this case, take files.

Disable antivirus

Virus in the system

Block file acceptance, including via Skype, can viral infection of the system. With the slightest suspicion of viruses, scan the hard disk of your computer from another device or flash drive antivirus utility. When identifying infection, proceed according to the recommendations of the antivirus.

Scanning for viruses in Avira

Failure in Skype settings

Also, files may not be accepted due to the internal failure in the Skype settings. In this case, the procedure should be resetting the settings. To do this, we will need to delete the Skype folder, but first of all, we complete the work of this program, coming out of it.

Exit from Skype

To get to the directory you need, run the "Run" window. The easiest way to do, pressing the Win + R key combination on the keyboard. We enter the value of "% appdata%" without quotes, and click on the "OK" button.

Go to AppData folder

Once in the specified directory, we are looking for a folder called "Skype". To then be able to recover data (first of all correspondence), do not just delete this folder, but rename to any convenient name for you, or move to another directory.

Rename the Skype folder

Then, run Skype, and try to accept files. In case of good luck, we move the Main.db file from the renamed folder into the newly formed. If nothing happened, you can do everything as it was, just returning the folder for the same name, or moving to the original directory.

Copy Main.db folder to solve the input problem in Skype

Problem with updates

File reception problems can also be if you use the current version of the program. Update Skype to the latest version.

Skype installation

At the same time, periodically there are cases when it is after updates from Skype, certain functions disappear. In the same way, the abyss and the ability to download files. In this case, you need to delete the current version, and install an earlier workable version of Skype. At the same time, do not forget to disable automatic update. After the developers decide the problem, it will be possible to return to the use of the current version.

Skype installation screen

In general, experiment with installing different versions.

As we see, the reason that Skype does not accept files, there may be very different factors essentially. To achieve a solution to the problem, you need to try to apply all the above problems of troubleshooting, until the reception of files is restored.

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