How to update taxpayer yul


How to update taxpayer yul

Important information

When updating the taxpayer, Yul must consider several features of this software. Just about them, we will talk first in order to do during the installation you did not allow mistakes and accidentally did not accidentally delete the database with working information.
  • When upgrading to build 4.71 (currently the newest version), it is not necessary to install each previous version to be used, since the developer corrected this situation, significantly simplifying the transition process to the current version for ordinary users. Recall that earlier it was impossible to jump immediately, for example, from version 4.5.2 by 4.6, if there is also 4.5.8. It was necessary to first set the intermediate option, and then the last assembly, which took a lot of time.
  • Be sure to disconnect the third-party antivirus if this is installed on the computer. This will avoid accidental file falling taxpayer Yul to quarantine during their unpacking and prevent conflicts that appear due to this error.

    Read more: How to turn off the antivirus

  • If the update relates not to one local computer, and immediately to all connected to the server, respectively, it must be installed directly on the server where the first launch is also being reinpected. After that, the remaining participants can connect to the software and check if the latest version is available to them.
  • When updating, the previous software assembly is deleted if it is about installing into the same folder. It remains custom data, that is, accounting and completed forms that you used earlier. Therefore, it is important to comply with the order of installation, which we will describe below.
  • Do not download the update file in MSI format to the same folder where the taxpayer program is now located, since the launch of the root leads to the emergence of conflicts associated with the features of this tool.

As soon as you familiarize yourself with the information presented and figured out in all the intricacies, go to the following sections of the article made in the format of step-by-step instructions.

Step 1: Definition of the current version of the taxpayer Yul

It is important to first determine the current installed version of this component to be sure about the need to update it. If you download the same assembly, the installer will simply offer to fix it or delete, but not update.

  1. Open the "Start" and find a taxpayer Yul's application there, then launch it. Instead, you can use the label on the desktop or any other convenient way to start the program.
  2. Running the current version of the software update taxpayer Yul on the computer

  3. While starting in a small window, you can see text with the software assembly number, but sometimes this window quickly closes and the main menu opens, so you can not see the inscription.
  4. Checking the current version of software update taxpayer Yul on the computer

  5. Then just pay attention to the window header, at the end of which there are numbers denoting the current version of the software.
  6. Checking the current version in the main window to update the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

After that, you can go to the official website and find out which version is now available for download. If the update is not required, close this instruction, otherwise go to the next step.

Step 2: Program Definition

It was previously mentioned that when updating the taxpayer, I am important to choose the same location of the files so that only adding the missing, but the user information has been preserved and remained available for use. The location definition is carried out extremely simple.

  1. Find the taxpayer icon at the desktop and right-click on it. Choose this particular label, and not located in the "Start" menu, since it leads to a completely different way.
  2. Calling the context menu icon to update the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

  3. From the context menu that appears, select "File Location".
  4. Go to the location of the icon file to update the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

  5. The full path to the executable file is displayed at the top of the "Explorer" window.
  6. Displaying the installation path of software to update the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

  7. Click on it and copy, but ignore the latest "Inputdoc" directory. As a result, it turns out about this way: D: \ Taxpayer Yul \.
  8. Copying Ways to install software to update the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

Step 3: Upgrading to the latest version

Now the time is the time of the main processes - loading the latest version of the taxpayer Yul and the update already installed. The principle is extremely similar to the usual installation, but still has its own characteristics, so we will analyze it in more detail.

Download the latest version of the taxpayer Yul from the official website

  1. Follow the link above and in front of the inscription "Installation File", click "Download".
  2. Downloading the latest version To update the program Taxpayer Yul on the computer

  3. Expect to download the MSI format file download and run it.
  4. Starting the latest version installer to update the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

  5. In the new window immediately go to the next step.
  6. Go to the next installation step to update the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

  7. Confirm the terms of the license agreement, putting a marker next to the relevant paragraph.
  8. Confirmation of the terms of the license agreement to update the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

  9. Install the full or client part depending on which version is used now.
  10. Selecting the type of assembly to update the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

  11. If the address coincides with the one you learned before, go to the next step, and if not, click "Change".
  12. Select the path to install the latest version to update the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

  13. Lay the folder and specify it as a root for the location of the files of the new version.
  14. Manual input of the path to install the latest version to update the program Taxpayer Yul on the computer

  15. After returning to the previous window, click "Next".
  16. Starting the latest version to update the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

  17. Expect the installation and appearance on the screen of the appropriate notification.
  18. The process of installing the latest version to update the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

  19. Tick ​​the "Run Program" checkmark to immediately open it to reindex and the main settings.
  20. Running software to update the taxpayer Yul on the computer

Step 4: First Start New Version

The first launch of the taxpayer Yul immediately after installation is necessary in order for all settings to be updated and the program is fully ready for operation. This process is called reindexing, after which it remains to fill out the taxpayer data and you can proceed to the creation of reports and the execution of other tasks.

  1. In the next screenshot, you see the window appearing when you first start. It displays a reindex by which occupies a few minutes. Do not close the current window and wait for the following.
  2. Reindexing after installing the latest version to update the program Taxpayer Yul on the computer

  3. If a form appeared with the addition of the taxpayer, mark the appropriate type marker and go further.
  4. Entering a taxpayer type after installing the latest version to update the program taxpayer Yul on a computer

  5. In the next window, fill in the data on the selected taxpayer type using the built-in lines. This process can be postponed if the authorization is not yet needed.
  6. Filling out the form of the selected taxpayer to update the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

  7. After closing all the additional windows, you will see the main menu of the taxpayer Yul and can begin the usual interaction with it.
  8. Successful launch of the latest version for updating the program taxpayer Yul on the computer

Solving possible problems when updating

Some users encounter errors while trying to update the taxpayer Yul to the latest version. We will consider the most popular of them and tell me how a few steps find a suitable solution. If you have difficulty, then find the recommendation below, which is suitable for the current situation.

  • In the case when after a successful update, the program starts up with the same version, it is recommended to restart the computer. If it did not help, re-run the installer downloaded from the official site and make sure that it really refers to the last assembly, and is not the same.
  • When notified is notified, it is not possible to open this installation package "or simply skip this stage, since the Package" Print ND with PDF417 (3.2.4) "is already installed on the computer or interrupt the installation. Make sure the antivirus is really in the disconnected state, if necessary, deactivate it and repeat the installation.
  • After the update in the main window of the program, incomprehensible characters may appear instead of Russian letters. In Windows 10, this is solved by switching the interface language into English and back, and in Windows 7 you will need to install the language package if this has not been done earlier. Two of these methods are disassembled in detail in other articles on our website on the links below.

    Read more:

    Installing the Language Package in Windows 7

    Changing the Interface Language in Windows 10

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