How to make a person lump in photoshop


how to make a person lump in photoshop

Full, thin, carbonous, blue-eyed, high, low-minded ... Almost all the girls are unhappy with their appearance and would like to look like not entirely as in real life.

In addition, the camera is not a mirror, you will not turn in front of it, and it loves not everyone.

In this lesson, we will help the model to get rid of the "extra" features of the face (cheeks), which "suddenly" appeared in the picture.

This girl will be attended at the lesson:

We make the face of Hude in Photoshop

When shooting from a very close distance, unwanted convexity in the center of the picture may appear. Here it is pronounced enough, so this defect must be eliminated, thereby visually reduce the face.

Create a copy of the layer with the original image ( Ctrl + J. ) and go to the menu "Filter - distortion correction".

We make the face of Hude in Photoshop

In the filter window, put a tank opposite item "Automatic image scaling".

We make the face of Hude in Photoshop

Then choose the instrument "Deleting distortion".

We make the face of Hude in Photoshop

Click on the canvas and, not releasing the mouse button, pull the cursor to the center, reducing the distortion. In this case, we have nothing to advise, try and understand how it works.

We make the face of Hude in Photoshop

Let's see how the face has changed.

We make the face of Hude in Photoshop

Visually, the size decreased by removing the convexity.

I do not really like to use various "smart" photoshop tools in work, but in this case without them, in particular without filter "Plastic" , not enough.

We make the face of Hude in Photoshop

In the filter window, choose the tool "Deformation" . All settings leave the default. The size of the brush is changing with the square arrows on the keyboard.

We make the face of Hude in Photoshop

Working with the tool will not cause difficulties even at the newcomer, here the main thing is to choose the optimal size of the brush. If you choose too small size, then "torn" edges will turn out, and if it is too big - too large plot will mix. The size of the brush is selected experimentally.

Correct the face line. Just clamping the LKM and pull in the desired side.

We make the face of Hude in Photoshop

The same actions are made with the left cheek, as well as correct the chin and nose slightly.

We make the face of Hude in Photoshop

On this lesson, it can be considered finished, it remains only to see how the face of the girl as a result of our actions has changed.

We make the face of Hude in Photoshop

The result, as they say, on the face.

Takes shown in the lesson will help you make any face much thinner than it really is.

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