How to make text animation in After Effects


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When creating video films, commercials and other projects, it is often necessary to add various inscriptions. In order for the text to be boring, various effects of rotation, attenuation, color change, contrast, etc. are applied to it. Such a text is called animated and now we will look at how to create it in the Adobe After Effects program.

Creating Animation in Adobe After Effects

Create two arbitrary inscriptions and apply to one of them the effect of rotation. That is, the inscription will rotate around its axis, according to a given trajectory. Then we delete the animation and apply another effect that will move our inscriptions on the right side, due to which we obtain the effect of the leaving text from the left side of the window.

Creating a rotating text using Rotation

We need to create a new composition. Go to the "Composition" section - "New Composition".

Creating a new composition in Adobe After Effects

Add some inscription. The "Text" tool allocate the area in which we enter the desired characters.

You can edit its appearance on the right side of the screen, in the Character panel. We can change the color of the text, its size, position, etc. The alignment is set in the Paragraph panel.

Creating a new lettering in Adobe After Effects

After the appearance of the text is edited, go to the layer panel. It is in the lower left corner, the standard workspace. It makes all the basic work on creating animation. We see that we have the first layer with the text. Copy it combination keys "CTR + D" . Write the second word in a new layer. We will edit at your discretion.

Working with Adobe After Effects Layers panel.

And now we apply the first effect to our text. We put the "Timeline" runner at the very beginning. We highlight the desired layer and click the key "R".

In our layer we see the field "Rotation". By changing its parameters, the text will spin at the specified values.

Click on the watch (this means that the animation is enabled). Now change the value "Rotation". This is done by entering numeric values ​​to the appropriate fields or with the help of arrows that appear when hovering on the values.

The first method is more suitable when you need to enter accurate values, and in the second it is visible all the movement of the object.

Change Rotation value in Adobe After Effects

Now we move the "Time Line" runner into the right place and change the values ​​of "Rotation", we continue as much as you need. View as an animation will be displayed using a runner.

Move the Time Line slider to change the position in Adobe After Effects

Do the same with the second layer.

Creating the Effect of Exit Text

Now let's create another effect for our text. To do this, delete our tags on the "Time Line" from the previous animation.

Removing animation marks in Adobe After Effects

Highlight the first layer and press the key. "P" . In the properties of the layer, we see that a new line "POZITION" appeared. The first of its knowledge changes the position of the text horizontally, the second - vertically. Now we can do the same as with "Rotation". You can make the first word horizontal animation, and the second is vertical. It will be quite impressive.

Changing Position in Adobe After Effects

Application of other effects

In addition to these properties, others can be applied. To paint everything in one article is problematic, so you can experiment yourself. You can find all the animation effects in the main menu (top line), section "Animation" - "Animate Text". All that can be used here.

All effects for animations in Adobe After Effects

Sometimes it happens that in the Adobe After Effects program, all panels are displayed differently. Then go to the "Window" - "Workspace" - "Resent Standart".

Reset settings to standard in Adobe After Effects

And if the "Position" and "Rotation" values ​​are not displayed on the icon at the bottom of the screen (shown in the screenshot).

Enable Effect Numeric Values ​​in Adobe After Effects

This is how beautiful animations can be created, starting with simple, ending with more complex effects. Carefully following the instructions, any user will be able to quickly cope with the task.

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